Katsuki Bakugou/Shouto Todoroki [Kinktober]

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Requested by: eviearlert

Kinks: Bondage, Slave/Master, Threesome??


Wet, slippery sounds echoed throughout the classroom. Your wrists were bound together, and stuck to one of the desks with what appeared to be Sero's tape. Your feet were also immobilised – rendering you incapable of escape.

"K-Katsu – ahh!! N-Ngh...K-Ka-"

Anybody could open the door and catch you in the act. It would be so humiliating; you were currently unable to be anything but compliant to your partner's selfish needs.

Without preparing you, or using lotion of any kind, he thrust into your entrance with an amazing speed – tearing at your walls, and immediately causing you to cry out in sheer pain. He briefly pulled out, to slam back in, making your walls clench around him. The sounds of skin slapping together made your head fuzzy, and your knees weak.

There was nothing you could do.

You had to stand up as best you could, all the while leaning against a classmate's desk. Not only that, but it was Todoroki's desk. Perhaps if you hadn't been so seemingly lovestruck for him, you wouldn't be receiving such harsh treatment by Bakugou.

"You belong to me, understand? Forget that half-and-half bastard!" He yelled, never forgetting how public he could make your torment.

"A-Ah! Y-Ye – nngh...Yes!" You attempted to keep your voice muffled, but due to your restraints, it was proving more difficulty than it was worth.

He smirked. "Good. Oh, call me master. That'll show the bastard who you belong to."

Your eyes widened as he continued ramming into you violently, getting deeper each time, searching for the spot only he knew. You were squirming, trying to loosen your bonds, but only succeeded in making yourself moan louder, by enticing his member further into your womanhood.

"N-No...! K-Ka – aahh...m-master!!"

When you couldn't take the force of his thrusts, and felt your orgasm nearing, you decided to satisfy his ego, giving him exactly what he wanted. As you were facing away, head planted in the desk, you were unable to see his face, but knew that the expressions he must have been showing would instantly make you cum.

"That's right! Who's your master?" He cooed, feeling like he could release inside you at any given time.

"Y-You are...!!"

You moaned shamelessly, finally forgetting about the classroom door, and not hearing it open slowly.

"I bet Icyhot can't pleasure you like I can!" Bakugou was aggravated, you could tell.

"N-Nngh...n-no. T-Todoroki."

Hearing the name of his 'rival' sent him into a frenzy. He shoved his manhood as deep into you as it would go, savouring your explicit, loud moans of satisfaction. You came, your juices running down your legs, forming puddle on the floor.

"Don't say that bastard's name."

"Master...y-yes..m-master." You panted, trying to keep up with him, still inside you.

Your desperate but aroused voice sent him over the edge – he came into you, coating your insides with his seed. When you felt it, you gasped roughly, attempting to jerk your hips back. You didn't want to get pregnant in your first year of high school.

Someone slammed the door, catching your immediate attention. Your panicked gaze wandered to where Todoroki stood, one hand over his face in an effort to hide his raging blush. Bakugou growled, viciously pushing your head back towards the table, so that you couldn't look at him.

However, Todoroki, after thinking over his options, stumbled in your direction. You heard him getting closer, and an excited heat found its way into your stomach.

"I want to fuck her too."

Bakugou pulled out, swiftly fixing his pants, and turning to the heterochromatic boy in fury.

"She's mine! Why the fuck should I let you?"

He got ready to use his quirk, but Todoroki was faster. He froze the blonde when there was distance between the two of you. Unbuckling his belt and letting his pants fall down felt like an eternity. You wanted him now. To regain his focus, you wiggled your hips slightly, causing him to speed up.

Placing gentle hands on your hips, he entered slowly, trying to give you as little pain as possible.

"F-Faster." You begged, having already been made used to it by Bakugou.

He complied, shoving his cock deep inside you, grunting whenever you let out a pleasurable sound. Which was often. You grinded against his member, ignoring the enraged boy frozen behind you.

"A-Ah...Todo – Todoroki...nngh."

"(Y/n)." He breathed out, wanting to find your spot before Bakugou broke out of his icy prison.

Just as Lord Explosion Murder blasted through the ice, Todoroki found your g-spot. You gifted him with the most amazing thing he had ever heard in his life. Your moaning was much, much louder now. Louder than it had been with Bakugou, which pleased the bi-haired teen immensely.

"Why the fuck should you get to have all the fun?" An overly-angry voice questioned, furiously.

Todoroki didn't bother looking at him, which made the blonde even more wrathful. Growling lowly, he stalked to the other side of the desk, where your head lay, and grabbed your chin forcefully. Without your consent, he pushed his mouth on to yours, annoyed that your delicious moans were no longer being produced because of him.

He shoved his tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch of it. You couldn't put up a fight, as Todoroki had buried himself deep inside you, and didn't show any signs of slowing his pace.

"C-Cuming." He informed, allowing you to prepare.

Bakugou tore the tape from around your wrists, giving him better access to your chest. It hurt, but you weren't complaining. He groped you fiercely, leaning in to suck and bite at your neck. Seeing his actions, Todoroki also left a mark, agitating the blonde, but showing him that he was dominant.

"Ah...AHH! Nngh!!"

He finally came, ejaculating his fluids into you. They spilled down your thighs, mixing with your own liquid. Bakugou smirked, shoving Todoroki away.

"My turn."

[Word Count: 981]

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