Shouto Todoroki/Katsuki Bakugou

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Requested by: Water_Angel_


"Maybe we could make him jealous?"

Abashed blinking ensued; his words reminding you that this was far from the first time you had been caught staring wistfully at the explosive blonde's muscular figure. Intense, mismatched eyes followed your distracted gaze, observing the adorable way in which you now flicked between everyone but Bakugou.

"H-Huh?" Willing your voice to remain hushed, you interlocked your fingers.

Fidgeting absentmindedly, you could sense the presence of a familiar, albeit unwelcome crimson hue, threatening to spread across the expanse of your cheeks. It heated up your face dramatically, almost causing your dripping sweat to vaporise. Monotonous as he was, your companion couldn't have been in more disbelief. Of course, aiding you was his primary objective and vocation, although, this was a matter he would rather not delve into.

Releasing a strained breath, he clarified, "It's a way to see if he likes you, isn't it?"

All at once, your mind was bombarded with visions of a furious blonde, stomping around the classroom, picking fights with whichever poor individuals got dragged into this.

"But..." You paused, unsure. "How? This is Bakugou – his default emotion is anger. After that, well...does he even feel jealousy?"

Despite his better judgement, Todoroki questioned, "Are you willing to find out?"


The prospect of even commencing your calculated ministrations was torturous. Anxiously twirling his two-toned hair around his finger, Todoroki inhaled deeply, begging himself not to get so attached. Once you arrived, the plan was set into motion. He didn't have a single second to doubt it.

Bounding up to the door, flinging it open and rushing to his side, you yelled, "Shouto!"

As startled as he was, his appearance gave nothing away. Instead, he permitted you to hug his side tightly, while he tenderly combed a hand through your hair.

"Good morning." He greeted, a smile tugging at his usually stoic features.

Beginning to converse, with the intention of gradually escalating to topics such as dates and romance, the two of you occasionally spared glances towards the explosive blonde, attempting to gauge his reactions. So far, neither party had perceived the others' gaze, but it was blindingly apparent to anybody in proximity to Bakugou, that your interaction was vexing him.

He witnessed the hot and cold boy brush against you gently, gracing you with a benevolent smile, so gorgeous that it actually melted your heart. From your facial expressions, he gathered that this wasn't a falsification conjured up to elicit jealousy within him, but rather an elaborate way of showcasing your adoration to the entire class.

Todoroki's way of stating: 'She's mine.'

Untamed agitation flooded his system – the final straw coming when a calloused hand grazed your face, as if endeavouring to smudge the beautiful scarlet tint that had recently applied itself.

He acknowledged the surprised, yet yearning glint in your (e/c) orbs. Despite the distance, it was like he could hear those painful heart palpitations, feel the butterflies invading your stomach. Although your accomplice leaned in slowly, it wasn't slow enough. Time ceased to be a concept, as your lips became dangerously close to locking.

Disregarding the tense atmosphere of the space, he rose, trudging heatedly to where you sat, almost in the lap of a classmate.

Glaring daggers at Todoroki, he huffed, "Oi, what the fuck do you think you're you doing?"

Grabbing your waist suddenly, earning a pleasing gasp, the bi-coloured boy brought you flush against his chest. Capturing Bakugou's irate crimson eyes in a fierce stare, he smirked.

"Claiming (Y/n)."

[Word Count: 585]

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