Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: DragonOtaku64


Awakening with a muffled groan and severe back pains, you started upon hearing what sounded suspiciously like heavy footfalls. You tried to move, or at least pivot around, but the most you could do was twist your head slightly.

A shooting ache spread through your head as you attempted to survey your surroundings, and recall exactly how you got there. It appeared to be a dimly lit room, with very little interior decorating. There were no windows, possibly indicating that you were being held underground.

Looking to your midsection and arms, you quickly realised that your quirk would have very little effect on the bindings. You were trapped, at least until some other Pro Hero rescued you.

With a sigh, you reclined as far as the wall would allow, taking deep, concentrated breaths.

You remembered rushing to the scene of the latest villain attack. At first, he seemed to be alone, but as you got close to winning, reinforcements stormed the area, overpowering and outnumbering you faster than you could handle. They must have knocked you out, because you sure as hell weren't dead.

The footsteps drew nearer, jolting you out of that unpleasant memory. You would have been grateful, but the way they padded along the ground meant someone was hurrying.

There was no time to think or speak as the love of your life broke down the door, panting slightly. When your eyes met, he ran to your side, and you felt him tremble as he fumbled with your restraints.

As soon as your body was free, he set to work removing the tape from around your mouth.

He wore an expression of undiluted worry, as his hands roamed your cheeks, his thumbs running circles on your delicate features. He touched you as if you were the most beautiful, most fragile thing he had ever gazed upon.

His heterochromatic orbs searched your face tentatively, welling up with tears. Suddenly, he pulled you towards him in an embrace. He placed his head atop yours and stroked your (h/c) locks tenderly.

"You're alive." He whispered, disbelief lacing his voice. You could hear it breaking, as if he was trying to remind himself that you were really there.

"You're safe." He promised, and you felt your head dampen as his tears fell freely.

He gripped you tighter, like letting you go would wake him from this dream, and he wouldn't have you in his arms – you would be forever trapped with the feral creatures calling themselves your captors.

You sighed contently, leaning into his arms. You rested your head against his chest, revelling in the sound of his erratic heartbeat.

"Yes. I'm alright, Shouto." Your words were sincere, reassuring him and allowing his doubts to fade away.

Pulling back slightly, you ran a hand along his scar, moving upwards to wipe the tears from his eyes. Smiling, you leaned forwards, so that your forehead touched his. Your hands never faltered, but instead grabbed his gently when you felt him shaking.

"I adore you. I really do." You whispered, giggling quietly.

A sad smile tugged at his lips, as he welcomed he contact, and the love it brought.

"Those should have been my words." A playful tone laced his voice as he whispered back.

"Then you should include them in your vows." You grinned, alluding to the future.

For a moment, he looked thoughtful, like he needed a great amount of time to ponder your sentence. Finally, he looked at you, eyes sparkling, and daring to mirror the cheeky grin he had previously been gifted.

He admired the stunning radiance of your features and personality, the silly but endearing faults you no longer hid from him. He projected every gorgeous smile directed his way on to the plains of his mind.

You were his future – his reason to strive for the top.

Silently, he pushed his forehead against yours, glancing down to stare at your lips, then gazing into your eyes.

"Of course. I'll have to write them soon."

[Word Count: 668]

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