Katsuki Bakugou

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Requested by: Levis_Whattpad


Your relationship had been degrading for weeks now.

He constantly avoided you, brushing aside all attempts to greet him, despite the two of you being together. For you, this was extremely confusing, because he hadn't yet clarified his reasoning, and you weren't certain what you did wrong. You were a model girlfriend – always there for him, patient, soothing, and you loved him unconditionally, even though his temperament wasn't necessarily amazing. He was prone to aggravated outbursts, sure, but he had never once purposefully ignored you.

It bewildered you to no end, and definitely punctured your heart. You had been practically abandoned, and you failed to comprehend exactly why. Your beloved didn't display any signs of wanting you removed from his life, and up until a few weeks ago, everything had been completely fine in your relationship.

You still saw him at school, every single day, getting closer and closer to his spiky-haired friend. Although, there was nothing that made you connect the dots; they weren't externally besotted with each other.

In fact, as you observed them daily, you likely would have been the first to spot something out-of-the-ordinary in their friendship. There was nothing. Bakugou never talked about his personal life when he was with you, and he certainly didn't once mention his sexuality, so you always assumed that since he was with you, he was straight. Looking back on all your memories, you realised that the only person who ever put their heart into the relationship was you. Initially, everything had seemed fine, but as the images flooded your mind, the crushing reality dawned on you.

He had never been in love.

"Oh, good morning (L/n)!" Kirishima yelled, smiling and waving in your direction.

While you were technically still a couple, Bakugou hadn't yet made an effort to give you his honest feelings, and the last conversation you remembered was utterly depressing – it had been a one-sided discussion on the latest hero film, and you finally acknowledged that his attention had been elsewhere.

It was so painful.

You remained absolutely infatuated with the explosive blonde.

Weakly, you played with a smile. "Hi..."

The crimson-haired boy was really pure, and he probably didn't even notice the distance between you and Bakugou. Either that, or he wasn't bothered by the fact that his friend's partner was almost entirely out of the picture. However much you tried convincing yourself that he would never purposefully steal the blonde, you couldn't help feeling slightly betrayed. You had known Kirishima since your childhood, and he was always such a nice, kind boy. The thought that he would swoop in and take Bakugou had never crossed your mind. His priority was always the happiness and comfort of others, so you couldn't see why he would do something so heart-breaking. Surely he hadn't meant to crush you as much as this, but at the same time, he should have known from observation alone, that you were completely in love with the blonde.

"Uh...you don't look so good. Do you need to go to Recovery Girl?" He questioned, running his eyes over your pale, sickly features.

You were losing sleep over this precarious situation. You desperately wanted to yell at the top of your lungs (possibly until they shattered into a million miniscule shards), and go back to the days of blissful ignorance, when you were under the false pretence that Bakugou held the same amount of adoration for you, as you did for him.

You sighed quietly, not wishing to attract too much attention. You knew that your closest friends could see your deteriorating physical state, but they didn't want to ask, for fear of annoying or breaking you further. If they questioned you, then they would likely need a detailed explanation about exactly what was happening, and then they would be eternally angry with Bakugou, and he already got enough hate from some people.

He didn't need that kind of treatment from his peers.

Even if he was an asshole to them.

"Yeah...I probably should go." You tried to smile, but your depression was pouring through the cracks.

An anguished noise was threatening to tear your throat apart, so there couldn't be any more conversing. You had to make a swift trip to the resident healer. You just needed someone to vent to – someone who would listen silently, and not attempt to sugar-coat the affair. Rising from your seat, you exited the room at a speed unheard of even for Iida, just before that heart-wrenching sound permeated through your sealed lips.

Immediately, you hurried to Recovery Girl, who welcomed you with open arms. This was the first time you felt willing to recount anything to anyone, and you were glad that it was the school nurse, because she rubbed your back soothingly and offered you some sweets. She listened, just like you had hoped, not once interrupting your monologue. There were brief periods in which you couldn't speak – the despondent emotions were overwhelming you.

Recovery Girl stared at you thoughtfully.

It was obvious that Bakugou had never been yours. 

[Word Count: 844]

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