Katsuki Bakugou

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Requested by: BookadayDaisy


Since the beginning, he had felt a crushing urge to protect you, although he wasn't quite sure why. Confrontation was certainly not something you were good at, and, being the sharp-eyed, hot-headed individual that he was, he noticed this. You were an incredibly timid soul, who chose never to approach people if at all possible. Heck - even if you were forced to (Aizawa often made him seethe), you became a flustered, stuttering mess, desiring to simply melt into the floorboards and remain there for all eternity.

Given that you were agonisingly shy, it came as a massive surprise, and very nerve-wracking when the explosive blonde (known for detesting everything with a pulse) walked up to you, demanding a friendship. Some of his peers sniggered, but the majority just looked on in utter confusion. He turned towards the ones who were laughing, yelling at them for detonating your anxiety. A prominent blush invaded your features, as you gazed at the back of his head. You memorised the way his head bobbed in anger as he shouted, and how his hair became significantly lighter as the sunlight broke through the window panes. You figured that his eyes would sparkle in much the same fashion, and despite not being able to see them, your mind wandered.

He growled. "What the fuck do you know?!"

You lowered your head in embarrassment - this shouldn't have been happening. You weren't quite sure why he was going to such lengths to defend you, and it wasn't as if you hated it, but it was tremendously humiliating. Silently, you tugged on the sleeve of his shirt, so lightly that he almost didn't feel it. He craned his neck, immediately seeing your burning cheeks. His eyes widened a fraction, and he muttered something incoherent.

All of a sudden, he yanked your arm, pulling you up from your seat. He avoided holding your hand, but his near, just in case you decided to grow a pair and do it yourself. He was far too proud to express anything other than fury. He tightened his grip on your arm, tugging you down the corridor. You didn't dare speak a word - what was transpiring was completely unexpected, and you were uncertain whether he was planning to take you to a secluded place and dispose of your body discreetly, or just have a stern talk with you.

When he stopped moving, it was abrupt, and made you slam into his back. You detached yourself, panicking and trying to form some words. He looked at you, raised an eyebrow, and laughed. You froze, blood running cold. Did you accidently say something wrong? What was happening? Were you going to be killed? His laugh was nearly angelic, but you would never tell him that - he would definitely murder you.

"W-Wha...? Um..." You mumbled, eyes trailed on the floor.

A soothing sensation was felt atop your head. You glanced upwards, cheeks erupting even more upon realising that what you were feeling was Bakugou ruffling your hair. He didn't say anything, but his laughing ceased, and he just stayed with you, raking his fingers through your (h/c) locks. His crimson eyes were unusually soft. He sighed, but it wasn't out of frustration.

He removed his hand, shoving it into his pocket and turning away.

"Stop being so shy."

You watched him walk off, the feeling of his touch still lingering. A small smile played at your lips. If only his words were so easy to obey.

You heard the bell, signalling the end of break. You ambled back to the classroom, timidly opening the door, keeping your head down all the time. Nobody questioned you, and after some time, Bakugou waltzed into the room, throwing a glance at you before the lesson actually started. It was supposed to be an English class, however, the staff decided that, in light of recent events, there would be more hero training. So, everybody made their way to Gym Gamma, to receive instructions from Midnight and All Might.

You were pitted against each other for this particular lesson, with the teachers designating your partners and locations within the facility. Your partner happened to be Todoroki, and while you didn't exactly want to cause him any harm, the two of you had to use your quirks on one another. You gave him an awkward, apologetic look before utterly destroying him. Your quirk completely overpowered his, and you moved with such agility that he couldn't keep up. Hearing the commotion, your classmates (Bakugou included) turned their heads. They saw you defeating Todoroki with ease. Bakugou's mouth hung open like a fish out of water. 

He couldn't believe what he was seeing - was this really the same timid girl he had saved earlier?

[Word Count: 798]

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