Shouto Todoroki x Katsuki Bakugou

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Although his monotonous expression indicated high levels of exasperation, Todoroki was in fact infinitely amused by the slight crimson tint on Bakugou's cheeks, as well as the horrified screams escaping his throat. He sounded so very outraged, it was hilarious.

"Why not? Do you like Midoriya?" He questioned swiftly, narrowly avoiding getting his right side blown up.

"I'M NOT A FUCKING HOMO!" Bakugou roared, and although it may have been true, Todoroki wasn't accepting it.

"Your search history suggests otherwise." His voice was calm and collected, as if, prior to this conversation, he had written and recited every line, until he was confident in his memory.

"WHAT SHITTY BASTARD GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO LOOK AT THAT?!" The blonde stepped backwards, which might have gone unnoticed by the heterochromatic boy if not for the conspicuous echo of his foot hitting the floor.

"You did." Todoroki attempted to maintain an unhealthy amount of eye-contact with his love interest, but it was annoyingly one-sided.

"WHEN?" Bakugou appeared alarmed, although he displayed this by raising his voice a few more notches.

"In the dream I had a few nights ago." The two-toned boy clarified, gazing in undiluted wonder at the smaller, agitated masterpiece in front of him.

Curse words were strewn about, but the explosive blonde made no further effort to leave. Todoroki noticed this, beginning to amble towards him, leisurely, so it would take a while longer for the boy to register. Indeed it did, as he soon had Bakugou trapped between his arms, struggling feebly. Holding him close, he felt a surge of reassurance upon hearing the boy's raging heartbeat, and rugged breathing.

Placing a hand on Todoroki's chest, the blonde tried pushing him away, serving only to elicit a pleased chuckle, and causing the grip around him to tighten. Mismatched eyes flickered shut as he took in Bakugou's scent, drinking it up as if he would never know it again.

Bakugou emitted a small whine of dissatisfaction, and before long, Todoroki's fingers were raking through his hair tenderly, lulling the angry blonde into a serene state.

It felt unnatural.

"What do you think you-" Soft lips settled on his, muffling the disgruntled sounds.

"You love me. More than anyone else." Todoroki whispered, encouraging his partner to reiterate those endearing words.

"Like fuck I do –"

Not in the least bit discouraged by Bakugou's unwillingness to cooperate, Todoroki attacked his lips again, catching him off guard and immediately shoving his tongue into the blonde's mouth. Bakugou thrashed around, attempting to break the connection between them, but his oppressor simply held his head in place, deepening the kiss.

Bakugou felt disgusting, but there was an overbearing sense of helplessness. As he was against the wall, subject to Todoroki's skilful mouth and wandering hands, the kiss became more passionate. Todoroki explored his wet cavern like it belonged to him.

Detaching his delectable lips, Bakugou spied the string of saliva linking them. His cheeks blossomed as he attempted to crane his neck away from the bi-coloured boy.

"You love me." Todoroki repeated.

Leaning in for another pleasurable kiss, he revelled in the submissive tone his partner's words carried.

"I-I love y-you."

[Word Count: 533]

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