Katsuki Bakugou

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Requested by: PiccalNiccals


"Hey new girl, watch out for explosion boy!"

You were the only new student that day, having opted to leave your previous school in pursuit of this one. You had actually been given this opportunity due to being an outstanding individual, not only in terms of grades, but also quirk capabilities and heroic potential. The only downside anyone could find, however, was your attitude. You displayed a foul-mouthed, although not wholly impolite demeanour, which rivalled, if not surpassed that of Bakugou's.

It was perhaps for this reason that he had yet to introduce himself. Plastering on a smirk, you elected to ignore all the warnings, and his foreboding aura, and walk up to his desk. When you were stood in front of him, you received a growl and a menacing glare.

"The hell do you want, extra?" He demanded.

This could prove to be interesting.

You perched on the edge of his desk, prompting him to produce a few miniature explosions in order to intimidate you. This didn't work how he had hoped, though, because you soon started clapping slowly and with extreme sarcasm.

"Aren't you supposed to be super strong and aggressive?" You questioned, batting your eyelashes and acting rather disappointed.

"Huh? Obviously I am!" He yelled, visibly irritated.

"Well...your muscles are quite impressive." You agreed, dragging your eyes across the bare skin of his arms. "Although...I bet you're not as strong as Todoroki. He can bench press me anytime."

A tick mark appeared on the side of his head.

Seeing this, you continued, "I think even I could dominate you, to be honest. It would be really amazing to see you so dishevelled."

"Hah?! I could so dominate you! There's no way you could ever beat me! I bet you have a really weak quirk!"

Maintaining your smirk, you countered: "I bet you have a really small dick."

By now, you could practically view the spirals of smoke billowing from his ears and mouth. He almost reminded you of an angry, adorable dragon-hedgehog hybrid that was about ready to blow.

"Yeah?! Well you couldn't even get with Deku!" He roared, clearly pleased with himself for thinking of such an awesome statement.

"I'd rather like that, actually. I'm sure he's much better in bed than you."

"You wanna test that??" He growled.

With a grin, you responded, "When? And are we going to your house or a hotel?"

[Word Count: 400]

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