Shouto Todoroki

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Perceiving the sensation of a statuesque figure crashing into his back, the two-toned teenager swivelled slightly, greeting the dazed face of a young woman, probably around his age. Acknowledging his distraction, the individuals surrounding him also stopped. You were positioned on the ground, one hand behind your neck, rubbing it soothingly.

Ignorant to your newfound company's prying eyes, you allowed a slender, pinkish appendage to travel the length of your body, settling on the spot that stung. Releasing a relieved breath, you focused on the heart-shaped detail sprouting from the end.

"Wow, a tail!" Someone whistled, capturing your immediate attention.

Scanning the crowd of perplexed, awe-struck students, clad in various non-school related articles, your (e/c) eyes narrowed. Wholly aware that they would soon spot the leathery extensions protruding from your back, although now relatively placated and situated by your sides, you began to rise, locking gazes with each person for no more than a few seconds.

Just above your temples, while partially veiled by luscious (h/c) locks, two curled horns emerged.

A monotonous voice snapped you back to one particular set of mismatched features. "I'm sorry, are you alright?"

Instantaneously, all rationality vacated your body, alongside the oxygen supply. Recognising him as THE Shouto Todoroki from UA's Sports Festival, and the very same boy who had you infatuated, your hands started fumbling through various pockets, in an effort to locate something that would soon be of major significance.

Upon retrieving it, you thrust it into his eye-line, yelling, "I'm a HUGE fan! Please sign this for me!"

Innocently, the male glimpsed his companions for advice, but they simply smirked and cheered him on. Especially supportive, albeit a little disgruntled that he hadn't been asked, the aforementioned electric blonde put his thumb up.

I'll get you, Pikachu.

Unsure and conspicuously anxious, the teenager reached for the pen you were grasping tightly. Permitting him authority over it, you observed, overjoyed, as he engraved his name on to the paper. Upon finishing, he handed both items back to you, that adorable, utterly bewildered expression ever-present on his glorious face.

Squealing ecstatically, you leaned forwards, planting a chaste kiss to his warm cheek.

"Thank you! ~"


Abandoned and deteriorating, the building in which you now stood created a tense atmosphere. After ambling through several desolate rooms, the incredibly handsome hero-in-training encountered his psychotic fangirl. Instantly, his appearance became disbelieving – unable to comprehend your status.

A hushed growl slipped past his lips. "Was that a lie then? Are you with the League of Villains?"

Momentarily, you adorned a confused expression, until the memory of that day resurfaced. 

"No, that wasn't a lie. I really am a huge fan."  

Giggling, you allowed the coriaceous appendages on your back to flutter open dramatically, proceeding to use them to get you closer to the incredulous boy.

"You came here alone? How brave..." You trailed off, circling his figure approvingly.

"Answer my other question." He demanded, suddenly quite aware that he had lost you.

A content hum reverberated through his ears, and the feeling of your tail snaking around his waist was producing strange emotions within him. Pressing your beauteous form flush against his back, you teasingly rubbed patterns just above his abdomen.

Hearing his strangled moans of pleasure aroused you greatly. Adding moisture to your lips, you slid a hand underneath his trousers, dragging mischievous fingers across the bulge that was forming.

"Nngh...s-stop." He ordered, although it sounded more like begging from your position.

"Aww, I was going to let you fuck me." Genuine disappointment laced your tone.

Raking through his bi-coloured locks with your free hand, you continued, "You're quite recognisable. Imagine the scandal: a son of Endeavor had a naughty rendezvous with a villain and got her pregnant."

Gulping, sweat beads trickling down his forehead, Todoroki failed to notice that his hands had been bound, and his quirk deactivated. 

[Word Count: 645]

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