Shouto Todoroki

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Minor spoilers for the latest chapters.


"Hey! Yo Camie!"

Bounding over to her position in the centre of the room, the signature Shiketsu hat sat atop radiant (h/c) locks, complementing your hero costume elegantly. Upon glimpsing your rapturous, swaying figure, said female donned a mischievous grin, greeting you with a loud high five and a similar vocal pitch.

"(Y/n)! How've you been?"

"Never better. You?" An inquisitive tone laced your voice, contrasting the vivacious smile gracing your features.

Releasing a series of light-hearted laughter at her unsure yet humorous hand actions, you began analysing the immediate area, espying a fellow classmate, Inasa, alongside two strikingly familiar bodies. Instantly making the connection with UA's Sports Festival, you permitted the widening of your beauteous (e/c) eyes.

Thrusting out a hand, simultaneously using the other to muffle your unappealing squeals, you pointed first at the explosive blonde, and then the alluring bi-coloured boy.

"Oh my god! You guys were amazing at the Sports Festival!"

Bewildered expressions plastered their faces, eliciting an amused sigh from the girl beside you. Spinning to face her, you endeavoured to veil your blossoming features, slapping cold hands against warm cheeks. Both boys sent each other sidelong glances, one annoyed, one purely confused.

"Um...hi?" Shouto spoke, hesitantly.

Hearing that melodic tone lit a raging fire in the pit of your stomach, concurrently inducing painful heart palpitations you hadn't felt since watching the festival. Now, he seemed so much more attractive. Perhaps it was the new-found acceptance of his previously loathed power, or the vibe of approachability radiating off him.

Whatever it might have been, one thing was certain – this boy would be yours.

Regaining as much composure as possible, you pivoted back around, facing him with a provocative smile, throwing in a sensuous wink in order to draw out the most pleasing response.

With a slight tip of your hat, you replied, "Hiya sexy!"

A satisfied giggle escaped your lips upon perceiving his flustered appearance – stunningly mismatched orbs wide in disbelief, mouth hanging moderately open, an exquisite crimson tint resting on his flawless features. In that moment, much like when you first viewed his splendour, you thanked the heavens for this godsend.

Oh, you were going to make this boy pay.


"Uh...hey guys, what now?" Camie voiced the very question on everyone's minds.

Glancing towards the unruly children, an apathetic sigh exited your throat.

What indeed...

Craning your neck for a better perspective, you spied the blonde in an uncomfortably tight situation, various children biting and yelling, piling themselves on top of him. A sympathetic smile graced your features, swiftly masqueraded by a façade of indifference upon receiving a less than charming middle finger.

"No, it's...hey, cut that out!"

A rather conspicuous male voice resonated in your ears, causing you to once more begin admiring the bi-coloured boy's struggles. The adorable frustration evident in his face was making your cheeks burn. Ditching Camie, you ambled over to his spot, where he was attempting to instil something into the children's heads.

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