Jin Bubaigawara ღ Twice

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Requested by: Hyeumi


Requiring little more than a fleeting glance, his heart beats increased drastically, rendering his features a deep crimson, cheeks appearing to set alight. Despite being on the opposite street, you immediately took note, rushing to his aid. In that moment, with your figure at such close proximity, he began to feel slightly uneasy. The last thing he wanted was to harm you with his contradictory, potentially dangerous personalities.

Panicked, your eyes fluttered to the stitches between his brows.

"Oh my goodness! Are you alright?" Gently, you placed a warm hand on his forehead, concerned (e/c) orbs examining the prominent scarlet hue coating his cheeks.

Before the chance to stop himself arose, he managed a "Is this your quirk?"

The concentrated glint surfacing in his eyes caused a jovial laugh to escape your mouth. As if not being sure which emotion to express, he permitted the creasing of his brows, while his blush grew, succeeding in making him look like an angry tomato.

For one reason or another, the most beautiful person he had ever come into contact with, or indeed perceived, stood before him, presumably giggling at something he said.

"Sorry, I – um...don't actually have a quirk." A further bout of laughter passed your lips, this time holding an air of embarrassment.

The nervous way in which you scratched the back of your neck indicated your unwillingness to continue the newly-formed conversation. Attempting to act swiftly, in an effort to make you stay, his hand flew to yours, gripping it firmly.

There was something illuminating his eyes then – a strong, unknown emotion you failed to place. Sensing his tense yet lively atmosphere, you enveloped his hand with your free one, wordlessly urging him to press forwards.

A long minute elapsed, consisting of this strangely attractive man staring into your mild orbs, almost suspiciously. Painting on a benevolent smile, you tried pushing aside any and all feelings for someone you were likely never to meet again. Instead, your focus moved to his current condition.

"Um...are you okay? You asked about my quirk...did I do something to you?" It sounded to him very much like a barrage of questions – one that he struggled to keep track of, despite there only being two actual enquiries.

Shaking his head in puzzlement, he elected to alter the discussion.

"How does it feel?"


"Not having a quirk. Is it nice? Does it hurt?" It was far from the clarity you so desired, but at least it was something.

Donning a concentrated façade, you paused for a few moments, amused by his silence, as his impatience was evident. In fact, you observed the fidgeting of his other hand, coupled with his wandering gaze.

"It doesn't...hurt. Not physically, at least. I mean – it used to hurt, being bullied, but after a while, I just got used to it, I suppose."

With a forlorn smile, you added, "Don't think about it so much anymore."

Repositioning his eyes on your figure, the man studied your interlocked hands, wondering how they became that way. There was no point denying his feelings, although they were still a bit hazy – he could say, however, with the utmost certainty, that you captivated him.

"Heroes? Villains?" He asked quickly, almost sure that someone would have him dispose of you if it were deemed necessary.

He was beginning to regret prolonging this conversation.

"Well...the heroes with the most media attention, especially Endeavor, are definitely not in the profession for the good of society, and the villains..." Here you paused, noting a near murderous flare arising in the man's eyes.

Transpiring as swiftly as if a switch had been flicked, his expression went from moderately aggravated to exceedingly animated. Rather than fear, fascination built up inside you.

"Erm...I never got your name." You stated, gifting him another blissful grin.

Instantly becoming quite flustered, he fumbled with an assortment of names, as well as other unrelated pieces of information, before ultimately reaching a satisfactory conclusion.

"Jin. Jin Bubaigawara."

"Ah. (Y/n) (L/n). It's nice to formally meet you, Jin."

[Word Count: 676]

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