Keigo Takami ღ Hawks - Lemon

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Requested by: Dashi_10


If anything, the two of you had been something like high school sweethearts, attending an institute that wasn't quite UA, but it worked with the same principles, and you managed just fine. He was the first friend you made there - you always noticed how he didn't exactly put his all into the training, yet he somehow surpassed almost everyone. It was incredible, and you had desperately wanted to speak with him, but he seemed too far out of your league. Eventually, after some serious persuasion from your inner voice, you gathered up all of your courage, bowed deeply and asked to be friends. You remembered that he simply laughed, touching your shoulder gently and telling you not to be so formal. Your heart fluttered at his action. He was wearing a massive grin, and for some reason, you knew it was genuine - possibly the only real smile you had ever seen him adorn. He started talking about how amazing it was to be on a heroics course, and made comments of the future, but you saw through it all, and when you told him this, he just smiled sadly, stating that it was troublesome how he wouldn't be able to get anything past you.

He loved the tingling sensation that wracked his body when you so much as grazed him, but he especially adored the tender caressing of his wings. He often allowed you to do this if you appeared upset or stressed. Sometimes, he would sit in front of you and begin slapping your face with his wings until you touched them. He would relax into your hand, fluffy blonde locks tickling your features. You smiled fondly at the memory. For some unknown reason, the two of you had drifted apart since high school. You lived around the same area, and both of you were professional heroes now, so you didn't understand how you never bumped into him, unless he was purposefully ignoring you. That just wasn't in his nature though, because he regularly taunted everyone, back in school - friends and frenemines alike.

You were wandering aimlessly down the deserted street, wondering what had happened to him, to your friendship. You always desired something more intense, but since he never made a move, you learned to let it go. Obviously, flirting was a character trait, and nothing would stop that, but it never went any further. You respected each other's boundaries. Mostly.

"I never see him anymore..." You mumbled bitterly, trudging along.

"Who?" Someone asked, but you failed to distinguish the voice.

Thinking it was simply a bird, you responded, "Pretty sure he's a hawk, not an owl."

"Oh, right! Me!" The voice chuckled.

Startled, you turned, just in time to collide with a large tan jacket. The culprit wrapped their arms around your waist, and you recognised the scent. You buried your face into their chest, inhaling and trying not to cry. A hand patted your head, almost condescendingly, although you knew that was a falsehood. He never even attempted to act superior, and he certainly wasn't patronizing. At least, not to you. Honestly, it had only been a few years since your last encounter, but in that moment, all sense of time slipped away, and you just focused on him. You gripped him tightly, releasing a contented sigh when you felt his laughter coursing through your entire body, like electricity.

"Looks like someone's happy to see me again. Did ya miss me?" He grinned, flashing his teeth.

You copied his action, asking, "Are you trying to make me melt?"

"Maybe!" He replied, untangling himself from the haphazard hug.

Suddenly, you pouted, punching him lightly in the arm. "I haven't seen you for, like, four years! That's not funny! I was worried, and then I cried, and then I started eating obscene amounts of ice cream to take my mind off the pain, and then..."

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