Denki Kaminari

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Requested by: xXShiningLily


Sighing, Kaminari went back to his seat with a prominent gloomy aura, once again having failed to gain your affections. It wasn't as if you were rejecting him – you just couldn't seem to take a hint. His feelings were on full display, as conspicuous and opaque as he could make them without screaming.

He didn't want to ask you out – the girl was supposed to do that! However, because of your bashful nature and subtle insecurities, he was being made to look as stupid as ever. The whole class could sense his frustrations. A few times, you had approached the blonde to question his mood, and give reassurance, but every time, he could only groan with further vexation.

You were truly affable in every sense of the word, and somehow more innocent than Midoriya.

As he tried to think of a suitable procedure, his mind was swarming with all the cheesy pick-up lines he had thrown at you, along with the heartfelt compliments that gave your cheeks a slight tint. Despite his best efforts, you remained oblivious to the burgeoning adoration he very clearly held for you.

Regardless, he ventured daily to provoke a hankering for him within you. As of yet, it was merely a fantasy for the poor boy. However, that had only been his first attempt of the day; he had break, lunch and possibly some time after school. Assuming his usual class time expression, that of utter horror and confusion, he began reciting each pick-up line he had yet to try on you.

When break came around, Kaminari wasted no time – leisurely strolling to your desk with a cheeky grin, he first gave a transparent compliment, endeavouring to coax you out of the shy state you seemed to be in.

"As gorgeous as ever, (Y/n)." He wore a bright smile, causing a small one to form on your face.


Sparking an ounce of confidence, he set out to win your heart with terrible, god-awful, cheesy pick-up lines. And he had mountains of them.

"Hey (Y/n)," He started, gaining your attention.

You hummed in acknowledgement, having to look away from his eyes slightly. They were just too intense.

"Forget about Spiderman, Superman and Batman. I'll be your man!" He pronounced proudly.

Chuckling at his antics, believing it to be Kaminari as his normal, flirtatious self, you didn't see anything so different in his words to you, as to the rest of the girls in Class 1-A. In actuality, he had stopped flirting with them the moment he fell for you. People inquired about the lack of his typical personality, but the reason was obvious enough.

At least, obvious to everyone who wasn't you.

"Are you thinking of ending your hero name with 'man'?" You asked sweetly.

His voice faltered, cheeks erupting in a deep crimson. The way you spoke was ample justification as to why his heart fluttered and face heated up. Coughing, he willed the blush to fade, lightly disappointed in knowing that you wouldn't have thought anything of it had you seen it.

"You're a nine – you'd be a perfect ten if you were with me." He continued, aiming high.

You gazed at him in mild panic. "Why do I have a number? Oh god, did I do something?? Is nine bad? Wha-"

With a shake of Kaminari's head, and a few seconds of ensuring you that a number wasn't actually attached to you, and it was nothing to be worried about, you calmed down.

Kaminari sighed, pondering over the pick-up lines he was sure explicitly showed his feelings, but would hopefully make you take the initiative. One popped into his head for a brief minute, but he wasn't certain you would understand. After all, even though it stated one of his future objectives, you were almost deaf to the implications of everything he said.

Deciding that there wasn't much to lose at this point, (other than possibly dignity), he reeled off the one that he had found online, and thought really cute.

"You're the only girl I love now...but in ten years, I'll love another girl. She'll call you 'Mama.'"

The effects were instant. Your expression changed from beyond confused, to highly flustered, and you could feel your heart beating far quicker than it should. Your cheeks were now stained crimson, as you processed what had just transpired.

"Y-Y-You...Was that a p-proposal??" You sputtered, searching for words.

Kaminari grinned, staring at you intently, with a loving gaze.

"I'll propose when we graduate. I'm confessing, I guess. Thought you'd realise that." He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

You felt like fainting – all the blood was rushing to your face, and you attempted to think of something to say. Whatever you did, it needed to be swift. Kaminari was already visibly doubting his choice. In an effort to reassure him, you tugged on his sleeve, moving him closer to you.

However, being clumsy and fumbling around resulted in you accidentally bringing your lips together. Both your faces burned, and you heard distant whistles, supposedly the classmates that hadn't left you any privacy. Realising your mistake, but both parties being extremely grateful, you pulled away in a hurry.

Your hands went to your face and you hid, not wanting to ever be seen in civilised society again. What had you done to the poor boy? He just wanted to be friends-

Forcibly, your hands were removed, instead placing Kaminari's lips on to yours. He gave you a passionate kiss, overflowing with all the emotions you had failed to spot prior to this day.

Playing his last pick-up line on repeat in your head, you couldn't help thinking that maybe you would give this boy a daughter.

[Word Count: 954]

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