Touya Todoroki ღ Dabi

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Requested by: Pocket-Pudding


When he first met you, he didn't really see much to comment on – to him, you appeared completely ordinary, with an average quirk and average features, plus, your personality was quite normal. Although, that couldn't have lasted long, seen as though you were in fact the younger sister of Shigaraki Tomura, and, given your brother's disposition, you were sure to be hiding something. He observed you for a while, unsure of just how to distinguish between your regular routine, and the most miniscule difference. If he could find what separated you from other people, and made you wish to walk the path of a villain, then he would rest easy. He didn't understand what was so appealing about your average form, but nevertheless, he couldn't peel his eyes away from you.

On numerous occasions, you managed to catch his gaze. You would give him a brief smile, causing his beautiful aquamarine orbs to widen, and then you would turn around and continue whatever you had been doing. It amused you, seeing him so puzzled, but you really wished he'd stop, because it made you want to tease him, and that wouldn't be good for anyone. Your brother had implored you to reign your nasty habit in, which is why you appeared so normal to the unobservant. Well, you supposed you appeared normal to even the utmost observant, since you had gained a stalker.

You thought about approaching him many a time, but Shigaraki insisted that you remain by his side and help with various missions, instead of flirt with the new recruit. You scorned him for this, although it was evident that he couldn't care less. The newbies were excluded from most of the talks, since they were to follow orders and not question them, so it ended up being you, your brother and Kurogiri making arrangements.

"Right, and...Dabi." The hand which usually adorned your brother's face had long since been removed, because frankly, you found it uncomfortable at the best of times, and had requested that it find elsewhere to reside.

However, at mention of the fire wielder's name, your head shot up. Neither male actually noticed, but you hadn't exactly been listening up until this point. You decided that you wanted to be part of this particular conversation, and tasked yourself with orchestrating his movements. Your brother had a sour look on his face when his eyes graced your expression – you looked ecstatic, with a wide-mouthed grin that almost reached your ears, and (e/c) orbs that glinted with mischief. Kurogiri sighed, wondering if Shigaraki would foolishly make another complaint about your interests, but surprisingly, he didn't.

You also assigned yourself to his team, which was undoubtedly a red flag for your brother.

"I'll let them know ~" You sang, running off in pursuit of the newbies.

You wandered around the area near the bar for some time, realising that it probably would have been a good idea to arrange a meeting place. However, after some trouble, you managed to find them – Toga, Twice, Spinner, Magne, and of course, Dabi. They looked up upon hearing your gentle but excited footfalls, and the sole female instantly bounded up to you, trying to capture your figure in a bone-crushing hug. You gracefully dodged, and moved further into the group, so that you would be in the centre of their circle, with them surrounding you on every side.

You began informing them of the plan to attack the training camp, including details such as location and what to bring. You also briefed them on slight costume alterations and anything else of importance. All the while, the handsome ravenette had his eyes trained on you – he stared, for what felt like hours, starting at your face, and leisurely moving downwards. By the time you had finished talking, he had completed his survey, and promptly glanced to the side, avoiding your eyes. You had caught him at the last moment, and were absolutely determined to do something about it.

"Dabi, I need to talk to you for a second." You stated, your voice lowering ever so slightly. A shudder rippled through everyone present, and a few of his companions made sly gestures, ranging from 'Get some!' to 'He's a dead man!'. No-one really knew just what you were capable of, because you still hadn't disclosed your name or quirk, but they figured you must be tough, to be able to put up with your brother's childish antics.

He nodded wordlessly, following you to another secluded area. When it was obvious that you were alone, you leaned against a wall, taking in his appearance. Neither of you actually said anything for a while, so when you finally spoke, he visualised the sweetest devil, with a honey-lace tone and even silkier words.

"Do you find me interesting?" You questioned, smirking.

He played off his unfamiliar nerves by gifting you a smirk of his own. 

"Not particularly."

You growled, removing your body from the wall. "Then why do you look at me so often? Am I attractive to you?"

He chuckled. "You think highly of yourself."

"I just know a predator when I see one." You began walking towards him, taking very suggestive strides.

He rooted himself to the spot. "I am a villain."

"As am I."

When you smiled, he cursed silently; you reminded him of the succubi in his childhood picture books – perfect, plump lips, a stunning figure, confident and tall, ravishing features, and gorgeous (h/c) locks. His stomach flipped somewhat nervously, but he refused to let you on to that. You would surely just use it as incentive to tease him further. He was almost convinced that, at any given moment, large, leathery wings would sprout from your back, and you would fly back into the jaws of Hell. You used his distraction to your advantage, planting one of your legs in-between his, and leaning into his body.

You breathed against his ear, feeling him shudder, and tenderly traced your tongue along the sensitive appendage. He wasn't pushing you away, so you proceeded, nibbling at his ear, and then caressing his damaged skin with your lips. You chastely kissed from the tip of his ear to his collarbone.

Moving your lips back up to his ear, you whispered, "Take the initiative."

Your voice was extremely husky – something he wasn't anticipating, and it made him freeze. The smirk was wiped from his face, and he could only watch in shock and horror as you skipped away, smiling and waving from afar. He could feel his cheeks setting alight, and it wasn't due to his quirk. So this was what made you different: you were a massive tease.

You were going to pay for that.


The subsequent day, you were ordered to do another run-through with the newcomers, and, while you didn't exactly mind, you were becoming mildly uncomfortable with a certain male. He was burning a hole into your back, annoyed because you weren't paying him any attention, and frustrated from the night before. You ignored him completely, electing instead to carry out your assignment. If he wasn't going to listen, then it was his own funeral – you wouldn't go through this twice. Everyone else looked very pleased with their roles, and they were eager to fulfil Stain's ideals already.

You pitied them – your brother most certainly was not following Stain's ideology.

While you were in the middle of a sentence, Dabi raised his hand, suddenly acting like a pre-schooler. You sighed, not quite ready for an argument today. Especially not with him; if things got bad, you might have to use your quirk. You didn't wish for it to come to that, and you would have preferred them to remain ignorant of it.

"Yes, flame dork?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Calm down, vixen, I was just wondering something."

You grimaced at that nickname. "And what would that be?"

"How are you so sexy?"

Sighing, you glanced over his question. "If you have anything relevant to the mission, feel free to be of use."

He placed his chin on his hand. "But I feel like I wouldn't be able to concentrate with you there. You distracted me last night, so you can do it again, right?"

"That was the first and last time." You informed.

He chuckled. "Oh, you'll scream my name soon enough."

[Word Count: 1399]

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