Shouto Todoroki {Soulmate AU} {2}

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{Soulmate AU: If a person writes on their body, their soulmate will also acquire that writing}. 


As you approached the school, your heart hammered painfully against your chest. Feeling hot tears stream down your face, your dishevelled hair cascaded unevenly, showcasing a great deal of vulnerability to whomever you were unfortunate enough to pass in the streets. All your surroundings blurred together while your head throbbed from dreadful apprehension.

Blindly, you ran, focused solely on completing the perilous journey. By the time you entered the doors of UA, your breathing was irregular and an agonizing stitch had formed close to your heart. Grabbing a fistful of the fabric covering your chest, you foolishly, although thoughtlessly, shrugged off the immense, stabbing sensation travelling around your body.

Once more breaking into a run, you passed doorways and corridors filled with bewildered students. Their perplexed, moderately concerned stares followed you until your feet stopped just outside the door to Class 1-A.

It was entirely plausible to say that Todoroki expected this reaction – the hurried, determined way you scrambled to school, ignoring the agony caused by over-exerting yourself, the expression of profound woe plastered on your fatigued features, among every other cause of his guilt.

Although, his assumption was based purely on your alleged loathing for him. Which, he failed to realise was, in all respects, a one-sided notion.

The foreboding door slid open almost hesitantly, as if the bi-coloured boy hoped not to encounter you. Through the narrow crack, your watery (e/c) orbs locked with a pair of regretful, mismatched eyes. Flares of shame, remorse, and longing burned prominently within his gaze.

A surreal beauty was perceived in that moment, gifting you the confidence to run into his arms. They weren't explicitly welcoming, as you surmised his distant personality limited the amount of public affection he was able to display. However, when the comforting feeling of your bodies pressed together overwhelmed his senses, unpredicted tears began flowing gracefully down his face.

Snaking his arms around your waist, endeavouring to pull you closer still, his head gently settled in your chest, obscuring the image of his tear-stricken features. Although, satisfyingly, you managed to burn that picturesque scene into the part of your mind reserved exclusively for him.

Cutting through the quiet sobs, your voice resonated angelically in his ears, soothing every quivering nerve, and lulling him into a subdued, illusory state.

"Shh. Don't worry, I'm here."

[Word Count: 387]

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