Shouto Todoroki [Kinktober]

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Requested by: eviearlert

Kinks: Sadism/Masochism, Daddy Kink


"Say my name ~" He cooed, distracting you from the pain around your wrists.

"B-But that's not y-your name..." You whined, moaning from the intensity of his thrusts.

"Say it." He ordered, pulling on the rope.

The friction burn you received was mildly agonising, but hardly anything compared to the pain in your lower region. He had been 'torturing' you ever since you returned from school, over two hours ago. In that time, Shouto had denied your orgasm a countless number of times, hit you with a whip that just happened to be there, and delved into knife play.

You couldn't complain though – it gave you too much pleasure. You would have been lying if you had said that this side of Shouto didn't turn you on.

Currently, his member was twitching deep inside you, signalling his oncoming orgasm. He continued to pull on the rope around your wrists, thrusting inside you while you writhed on his lap.

"Say it. Or do you want to be punished again?" He licked the shell of your ear, pulling ever tighter on the rope.

"Y-Yes...p-punished..." You moaned.

"Masochist." He scolded, sucking on your neck in visible places.

He pushed you forwards, causing you to fall on the bed on all fours. Then, he simultaneously yanked the rope harder than before, and thrust into you at a faster speed. He elicited a variation of moans from your mouth, aggressively pressing your face into the bedsheets.

"A-Ahh ~" Your muffled moans sounded around the room.

"Say it." He demanded, pulling the rope back as far as it would go.

"N-Nngh!! D-DADDY!"

You gave in, wanting the pain in your wrists to stop, and also to please your dominant partner.

"Good girl ~" Shouto purred, affectionately kissing the back of your neck.

He turned your head, crashing his lips on to yours in a passionate kiss. His tongue fought with yours until he once more tugged the rope, making you gasp, and allowing him to slip past, into your wet cavern. He explored his territory, swallowing every moan that came out of your mouth.

"Ah...D-Daddy...daddy." You breathed between kisses, satisfied upon seeing the loving glint in his mismatched orbs.

He tugged you in for another kiss, thrusting into you one final time, before he released his seed. Panting, he let you collapse on to the bed, proceeded to pull out, and lay next to you on the now wet sheets. He loosened the rope from around your wrists, tossing it elsewhere.

Your arms found his waist, snaking round it until you were able to pull him close enough to hear his rugged breathing. You nuzzled into his chest, allowing his heartbeat to lull you to sleep. 

[Word Count: 447]

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