Shouto Todoroki {Male Reader} {2} - Lemon

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Requested by: ArtisticDummy


"While I'm aware that this was an introductory lesson, I hope you all learned something useful."

You surveyed the classroom, ensuring that your gaze lingered on a few individuals in particular, that seemingly had been day-dreaming throughout your lesson. Those dually noted were Kaminari (who you kept an eye on, due to the prior event in which his aptitude for joking had been showcased), Mineta (you had been asked very politely by some of the females to watch out for this one), Kirishima (who just appeared to be staring into space a lot of the time), and Bakugou.

Although your attention had been primarily directed towards them, you noticed and managed to greet the four students you recognised. You became especially interested in a certain male with mismatched eyes and two-toned hair. He carried a very charming air, and moved regally, much like a prince from a foreign country, and oh boy could you feel some teenage hormones threatening to spill out. He acknowledged your presence, but refrained from speaking. It was relatively frustrating, but you were well trained, so you waited for him to come to you.

This did in fact happen, while the lesson was commencing – he was struggling quite a bit with the task you had set, and as each separate person got a different assignment, nobody else was able to help him. You walked over with a determined smile, setting his cheeks alight and causing his left side to flare. He still didn't have complete control over it, but you assured him that everything was going to be absolutely fine, and that he was capable of handling the situation. You told him quietly that through observation alone, you could tell he was an outstanding hero-in-training. You capped this statement off with a cheeky wink, laughing to yourself as you watched his features blossom.

When the school day drew to a close, Todoroki wandered home, deep in thought. Despite never having experienced these heartfelt emotions before, he knew instantly what they were. It was as if there had been a more meaningful reason to his ignorance of love, and maybe, hopefully, you were that reason. He wondered if it was fate; meeting you was sure to positively influence his life. Perhaps it wasn't just wishful thinking that one day you would rid him of his horrible surname.

Due to these rampant thoughts, he decided to try and catch you out on patrol. He slipped into something comfortable, and left the house without telling his sister where he would be.

He walked around the streets for a little over an hour before he found you. At first, he was elated, but then he realised your position – attempting to shift all your weight on to your arms, so that you would stand a chance of being able to place your feet firmly on the ground. You were covered in a frighteningly crimson-coloured liquid.

You sighed, obviously fatigued, but managed to be infinitely surprised when Todoroki came bounding up to you, immediately ripping off part of his shirt for you to use as a bandage. He appeared shaken but mildly relieved. This was because the wound was significantly smaller than what he had initially suspected, but that didn't make him any less worried.

You wanted to tell him that you would be fine, but he was already wrapping the makeshift bandage around your arm. You could feel the vibrations as he trembled. He was trying not to look at all the blood.

Todoroki released a shaky breath, before scanning your face for any discomfort.

"Are you alright?" He asked, nervously.

You smiled. "Thanks to you."

A familiar, welcome fluttering sensation welled up inside him, and he felt himself falter. He thought it was just a mental imbalance, but then his legs began to buckle. However, instead of hitting the cold, hard ground, his head planted itself on your chest. He remained immobile for some time, trying to regulate his body temperature. It startled him when you placed a hand atop his head, and started to gently rake your fingers through his red and white locks.

He could have happily stayed there forever.


The day of his confession came not two weeks after that event, and it was still fresh in your minds. He bashfully requested a relationship, underneath the cherry tree, after one of your lessons. You gladly accepted, pulling him in for a deep, meaningful kiss. You didn't relay this information to a single soul, but it was becoming increasingly more conspicuous, due to all the knowing glances you would throw his way, and the longing glint behind his beautiful eyes.

Nobody questioned it, so you ended up being dragged into an empty classroom during lunch one day. You were slightly confused, but his intent became clear when he started unbuttoning his shirt, and removing the blazer. He was a few inches smaller than you, and when he gazed upwards, you could see the pleas written all over his face. He tugged lightly at your hero costume, letting you know exactly what he wanted. It was something you should have expected – the two of you had been dating for some time now, but you had never even given him the impression of desiring intimacy.

Not once.

Although, you guessed that was something you were going to pay for now. Complying with his silent demands, you locked eyes with him as each piece of clothing was discarded. Before you took off anything below the waist, however, you advanced towards Todoroki, (e/c) orbs clouded over with lust. He shuffled back slightly, bumping into a desk and falling on to it, effectively trapping himself. You planted a hand on either side of his head, and leaned down to capture his soft lips. It took a few moments, but eventually, he kissed back, prompting you to lick his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He instantly allowed it, not even trying to put up a fight, and melting as your tongue explored every crevice of his mouth.

While he was distracted, you snaked a hand into his trousers and past his boxers. He yelped into the kiss as he felt you teasingly massage his cock, which was now dripping with pre-cum. Your fingers flicked the tip purposefully, and you smirked against his lips upon hearing him moan.

You detached your mouths, watching the string of saliva slowly disappear. He was panting much more than you, his face flushed and gorgeous. Smiling, you moved the sides of his shirt out of your way, giving you access to his perked nipples. You leaned down, swirling your tongue around them, oftentimes nibbling and eliciting delicious moans from your partner. Your hand also changed position, sliding down his length and to his awaiting hole.

Without warning, you pushed a finger in, pleased with the sounds he was producing. His hips bucked, attempting to get some friction, but you weren't yet close enough. He let out a dissatisfied whimper, and you laughed apologetically.

You placed your body between his legs, and he quickly wrapped them around you, preventing escape. You inserted another finger into his lower region, earning some more fantastic sounds.

"AAH! S-Sto – ah...nngh...!"

"Do you want me to stop? Or do you want more?" You questioned, scissoring him.

He choked out a moan. "Nngh...m-more..."

You kissed his forehead gently.

"Tell me if it hurts, okay?"

[Word Count: 1229]

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