Shouto Todoroki - Lemon

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Requested by: -intaellectual


A confrontation was not what you had in mind, so you went straight to your boyfriend, in order to locate the missing puzzle pieces. His dorm room was in the traditional Japanese style, just like his home, but you had seen it many times before, and now didn't have the time to let yourself be idle.

He sat on his futon, glancing up at you with a moderately confused expression.

"(Y/n)? What are yo-"

Slamming his door shut, you broke off his question, marching up to him with a concoction of extreme jealousy and rage. Despite his unfazed exterior, Shouto was genuinely worried, swallowing slightly and refusing to meet your eyes.

"Did you want someth-" Once more, he was cut off by you. But this time, he heard the malice dripping from your voice.

"Don't give me that crap Shouto! What the hell were you doing?"

He was taken aback by your outburst, furrowing his brows in a state of bewilderment.

"Pardon?" He asked, searching your features, seeing nothing but negative emotions.

You let out an exasperated sigh, and proceeded to cross your arms while giving him a furious glare.

"Do you even love me anymore? Are you bored of me now?" As your pitch rose, your voice began to crack.

Noticing the frailty within your tone, you glimpsed off to the side, tears welling in your eyes. You tried to fight them back, but they ran down your face like a waterfall. Shouto scratched his neck awkwardly, wanting to comfort you, but not being sure if you wished for his company.

"What are you talking about? Of course I do." He muttered, casting his gaze to the floor.

"N-No you don't! You o-only care about her!" By now you were practically screaming, but Shouto had the decency to listen until the end.

When you were finished, you went back to being silent, and he was none-the-wiser. Obviously he had done something that massively upset you, but he wasn't sure what.

"Who?" He queried, finally attempting to meet your eyes.

Now you were the one avoiding him.

Your sobbing stopped you from answering immediately, and you really didn't want her name to roll off your tongue. It tasted like poison.


His eyes widened, and he sat for a minute, dumbfounded. He was about to repeat the name, in utter disbelief, but paused when he saw your tear-stained face, scrunched up in a fractured act of bravery. The extent of your sadness was veiled by that façade. He felt his heart breaking.

In an instant, you dropped to the floor, unable to further contain your emotions. Tears spilled freely, flowing down your cheeks and landing on his tatami mats. Your hands locked on to your face, partly to conceal your blood-shot eyes, but also your devastation.

There was a sudden tug on your shirt, but you wouldn't falter. He had already made you this vulnerable. You heard him sigh deeply, then felt his strong arms wrap around your waist. He held you in his safe grip, planting butterfly kisses along your neck. When you neither stirred nor moaned, he moved a hand towards the top of your shirt, slyly sliding it underneath. He traced delicate patterns on your chest, moving his hand round and unclipping your bra.

Your breath hitched as you struggled in his grasp. You writhed against him, attempting to somehow make him stop. But he didn't. Instead, he grinned into your neck, trailing his tongue from your collarbone to your ear, biting the sensitive lobe when he reached it.

You held back the unsavoury sounds threatening to burst from your throat, but he only gripped you tighter, holding you flush against him. His hand skilfully rubbed your breasts, spending no more than a minute on each before reaching down to tug at your shirt. Distracted, you didn't notice until he detached his mouth from your neck, pulling your shirt off your body. He sat behind you, returning to peppering tender kisses on every inch of exposed skin, tracing a hand down the valley between your breasts, creeping closer towards the hem of your pants.

When he reached it, he fiddled with them, ignoring the disapproving grunts you were making.

"Stop it T-Todo-"

With something between a growl and a sigh, he pushed you on your hands and knees, latching on to your hips to steady you. He towered behind you, and though he wasn't visible in your eye-line, you presumed he was also on his knees. Forcefully, he tugged your pants down, causing a distressed gasp to escape your lips – a result of the cold air hitting your naked legs.

He trailed his tongue down your back, opting to remove your panties with his teeth, teasing you with how agonisingly slow he was. You heard his own pants fall to the floor, and undiluted panic washed over your whole being.

He wasn't wearing a condom!

Of this you were certain – but he was going to do you anyway? This was the signal that you had really pissed him off. He prodded his erection at your entrance, leaning over your body to grace your ears with his beautiful voice.

"Don't ever call me that again." He warned in a low tone, shaking your entire being.

He slid a hand to your womanhood, furiously pressing against it, causing you a sudden, sharp intake of breath. Without concern, he rammed into you, penetrating your deepest parts. His cock moved against your walls almost sensually, but there was no hesitation in his speed – he was acting completely like an animal in heat. He was making you scream and yelp.

"S-Shou – n-no! AAH!!"

When he found your sweet spot, he smirked proudly, relentlessly hitting it every time he thrust. Your mind was going blank, solely focusing on the unwanted pleasure at your core. His fingers continued to play with your front, which only made you cum twice as fast.

"N-Nngh! S-Sto – aahh...AH!"

You weren't able to warn him, but a sticky white liquid spilled out of you, running down your legs. Some of it found Shouto's hand, and he pulled away, gazing fondly at the substance before bringing it to his lips.

Your juices trickled down his face, and he sexily lapped them up, burning holes into your back with his stare. Or at least, you thought it was the intensity of his gaze. His left hand was on your exposed body, absentmindedly heating it up beyond belief. It began to hurt tremendously, and you squeaked from the pain.

A look of adoration was conspicuous on his face.

You were so much better than Yaoyorozu could ever be.

[Word Count: 1111]

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