Izuku Midoriya

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You heard the door open, but didn't turn around.

You heard Hatsume speaking to three students - supposedly the ones she had worked with during the Sports Festival. She blabbed on about her newest inventions, which quite audibly scared the crap out of them. You sighed and chuckled simultaneously; she certainly was an oddball. Your fingers curled around the metal helmet adorning your head - something you needed in order to protect yourself from the dangerous sparks flying everywhere. You laid it down beside your person, reaching over to grab some more equipment. You attached various bits to your most recent project, then stepped back to admire your handiwork.

Humming, you muttered, "Not bad."

"(Y/n)!! Help me with this!" An ear-splitting cry erupted in your ears.

You cupped your hands around them, shielding them from the sound. 

"I've got it."

Walking around all the strewn-about machines, you tried to be as careful as possible, as you attempted to locate your crazy companion. When you found her, she was stood with both hands on her hips, laughing like there was no tomorrow. It was pleasant to realise that you had been correct; the three students beside her held confusion and fear in their eyes. That made you smile. They were so innocent. You gained on them, slapped Hatsume's shoulders playfully, and plastered on a frown. She beamed with all the blinding force of the sun.

"Glad you could make it!" She yelled.

Raising your eyebrows, you countered, "You don't seem to be fully here."

Her eyes widened. "I'm always here!"

"It's true! She never leaves, unfortunately."

Glancing around, you shot a gracious smile at Power Loader. He wasn't in the practise of being fully honest - he enjoyed her presence much more than he cared to admit. You heard someone clear their throat. You looked towards the three individuals, curiosity illuminating your (e/c) orbs. You were a Support student, so it wasn't uncommon for people to come to you for advice. You were also in the second year, which was likely why Hatsume implored you to grace these lovely people with your ethereal form.

"Did you need something specific?" You asked, calmly.

The green-haired one coughed awkwardly. "I-I need something to help control my power."

You nodded, motioning for him to follow you to where you stored all of your work. He continued muttering to himself, and you simply allowed it; you figured he was used to this, so who were you to stop him? You sifted through a mountain of broken parts and finished items, searching for something.

"What is your quirk, anyway?" You mused.

He immediately paled. "M-My quirk?"

"I can't exactly help you if I don't know what I'm dealing with." You reasoned, cocking your head to the side.

"A-Ah, yeah...I h-have super strength." He stuttered.

You chuckled. "Cool."

"Y-You think so?" He questioned, spotting many interesting things, all of which you were currently tossing aside.

"Yeah. Like All Might, right? I guess you admire him a lot." You chucked something at him.

He barely caught it. "I-I do. I've always looked up to him. He's the ultimate hero."

"He helps my work, sometimes." You admitted, pointing to a particular item.

An awed sound escaped his throat. "And t-these?"

"Gloves, Sherlock."

He flushed a dark shade of crimson. "R-Right. Sorry."

You played with a few different expressions, but a smile soon settled on your features; this boy was so adorable and pure. He had an exceptional role model, as well, so he was definitely going to be a great hero. You would be lying if you said he wasn't familiar - All Might must have mentioned him in passing. He held his students in high regards, and often spoke of them, to anyone who would listen (and even those who wouldn't). Being a second year, you had your own Sports Festival to worry about, so you didn't actually get the time to go over the recording (Present Mic recorded everything).

"Try it."

He gulped. "Okay."

You watched as he tested your piece. It was incredible, and worked like a charm; he couldn't believe you had this ready-made.

"Was this inspired by All Might?" He asked, tentatively.

Nodding, you responded, "I designed it, but he had some serious input. He's surprisingly clever for someone who charges into every altercation on a whim."

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah...I'm kind of like that too."

"Are you his secret love child or something?" 

[Word Count: 745]

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