Momo Yaoyorozu

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Requested by: Martalol22


"Found him." Shigaraki stated, a menacing smile creeping on to his features.

"Who?" You inquired, not realising you would have to kill someone quite so soon.

"That UA kid that's been annoying me." He replied, motioning to a green-haired, very nervous-looking boy.

"That plain one?"

Ignoring your question, he began moving in the direction of the student. Shrugging, you decided to make the most of your 'trip'. As it was, you had only tagged along to get out of the bar, and away from other League members. Plus, aggravating the 'boss-in-training' was an opportunity you simply couldn't pass up.

Humming a silly tune by some guy called Jeffery Star, you wandered around the shopping centre, weaving in and out of shops that caught your interest. On one of these occasions, you sighted two more of UA's students.

Whilst it was meant to be an innocent glance, you found yourself unable to tear your entranced eyes away from one of the beauties.

"Hottie ~" Smirking, you strayed closer, determined to get the name of this attractive young lady.

When it seemed her companion had left in pursuit of a rather large bag (which you thought perfect for hiding a body), you moved in. She had her back turned to you, but jumped slightly at the feeling of your hand on her back. She swivelled round, yet your hand remained where it was.

"Ah ~ you really are adorable!" You flashed her an audacious smile.

Her cheeks heated up; her face was delicately dotted in crimson within a matter of seconds.

"W-Who are you?" She asked, ostensibly trying to be polite, but getting an overwhelming sense of attentiveness.

Giggling, you responded, "(Y/n) (L/n). How about you, cutie?"

At first, she was hesitant to reply, as she did not know whether she should reveal that to someone who seemed so...flirtatious. Then again, she reasoned it was only fair to return the favour. So, attempting to avoid your gleaming (e/c) orbs, she answered cautiously.

"M-Momo Yaoyorozu."

"Wow ~ I got a forename too! I'm honoured."

The contact of your hand set her back alight. It was as if her whole being was screaming at her to get nearer to you. However, her absentminded prayers were acknowledged when you began slithering your hand down her back, causing a sudden squeal to escape her soft lips as you squeezed her rear.

Laughing, you detached your wandering hand, relishing in the sight of her burning scarlet face.

It was truly a sight to behold – one which you were ecstatic to have instigated.

"W-What was that?" She whisper-yelled, in a feeble effort to attract as little attention as possible.

"Hmm? I grabbed your –"

She hastily slapped a hand over your mouth, muffling the last words of your sentence. Though, before she had realised her mistake, she felt something wet on her skin. Fluttering her abashed gaze to your features, her eyes went wide as she noticed you running your tongue along her hand.

Yelping, she pulled it away in record time, earning a sly leer which the ravenette found oddly charming. Catching the figure of her friend heading your way, you opted to leave before you had to kill a bitch.

Not today, thank you.

Possibly tomorrow.

The next time Yaoyorozu peered at you, she had fallen into a trap. The very second her eyes landed on yours, you leaned in for a kiss. It had planned to be on the cheek – however, with her movement, your lips instead settled on her own plump ones.

Slipping a piece of paper into her pocket, you continued the kiss until she grabbed on to your arm, hinting at her lack of breath.

You pulled away, smirking.

"You're delicious, Momo. ~" You whispered the last part into her ear, blowing cold air on to it.

Her expression was pulchritudinous – like she wanted to cry, but was, at the same time, filled with immense happiness. She stared after you as you left, imagining the feeling of your lips touching once more. When Jirou returned, having witnessed the scene, Yaoyorozu was questioned.

But...she had nothing to say.

Reaching into her pocket, swearing she could still feel the warmth from your hand, she pulled out a piece of paper. Unfolding it, she glimpsed a phone number, and a brief flirty text.

xxx xxx xxx Call me ~

[Word Count: 721]

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