Izuku Midoriya - Lemon

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Requested by: WinterMuffy


"So what are you gonna get?"

"Hm...probably something with All Might plastered on it." You replied, failing to notice the growing blush on your companion's face.

"Yeah, me too! I want to get the new All Might figurine and this week's issue of the hero magazine!" He rambled on, causing a smile to break out on your lips.

You whistled. "I'll get that as well, actually."

He nodded. "I heard it has a special feature of the overwhelming amount of recent hero debuts!"

"Is there another massive article on All Might?" You questioned, fully aware of the actual reason he wanted the magazine.


"And Endeavor?"

"...It's significantly shorter."

Laughing, you responded, "I bet!"

"I think Todoroki's gonna cut it out." He sighed.

You shook your head. "Not if it's on the other side of the All Might article. He'll probably just colour it in or something."

"I can see him doing that."

The two of you walked down side streets, taking the shortest route possible. There was a sale on All Might (and other hero) related items at one of the biggest merchandise stores. As soon as he discovered this, Midoriya literally began dragging you out of the school dorms. You had been best friends for a long time now, so you didn't really have an issue with it, but you stopped him before he reached the door, because he hadn't given you time to grab your money. You needed lots of the stuff - like your green-haired accomplice, you were a die-hard fan of all things heroic. All Might had always been one of your idols, but Midnight was sort of your guilty pleasure.

You had various posters, which had immediately been transferred to your dormitory room when your parents agreed to send you back. You were on the second floor, fortunately with Midoriya, but unfortunately with Mineta. You were very vocal about your distaste towards the purple perv. He even stayed away from you (thank Kamisama), because you radiated pure malice when he was in the vicinity.

You probably wouldn't have minded if Midoriya had been the one attempting to open your drawers, but since it was in fact someone you despised, you deemed it completely unacceptable. Of course, you weren't willing to declassify this information, because you were certain he would erupt in a flurry of crimson. You didn't think there was a hope in Hell that he reciprocated your feelings, and you had come to terms with that; you saw the way he looked at Uraraka, and you wanted them to be happy together. It was painfully obvious that she loved him, but they were both so dense. You could observe from the side-lines as they walked the path of life with one another - you had acknowledged your ability to do that much. As long as he continued smiling and being an adorable ray of sunshine, then you were content.

You startled him by letting out an absentminded hum. He glanced towards your figure, deep in thought, and smiled. If only you could see how much he loved you. He was desperate to say something - to give you a sign - but he didn't have enough confidence in himself. He had only just managed to stand up to his childhood friend/bully, and gain a few close friends. He didn't wish to ruin any of those friendships. He was sure you would reject him, and then it would be over; you would walk out of his life in utter disgust, perhaps getting with Todoroki or even Bakugou, and then he would be forced to attend your wedding, and he would cry so much he broke the floor.

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