Shouta Aizawa ღ Eraserhead

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Requested by: iiDerpyRabbit


Whoever said being a Pro Hero and teacher was easy, lied. Every few minutes, a yawn escaped your mouth, signalling that you were in need of a well-deserved nap.

Ambling along streets far from the prestigious school, you chanced upon an alley containing a cardboard box, in which there were four quite adorable balls of fluff. With a tender expression, you wandered closer, wondering how such adorable creatures could ever be cast out.

You set down your bag, eyeing the kittens sadly. Grazing a hand along the fuzzy head of one happy soul, a gentle smile formed on your features. The cat nuzzled itself against your palm, subsequently making the others jealous. In a matter of seconds, they were all swarming around the first, itching for your delicate care.

"So cute..." You whispered, softly kissing their heads.

"How could anyone have abandoned you?"

Hand still tracing the intricate patterns of their bodies, you wondered aloud, failing to register the presence now only a few feet away.

He didn't move, so it was a while before you noticed his company. Though, as soon as you did, you jolted up into a fighting stance, fully prepared to use your quirk to defend these furballs. Observing him for a mere moment, you gathered that he was recognisable – a villain.

Gasping lightly, you went to attack.

However, you found yourself unable to use your quirk. You stared at the strange man, shocked, until deeming him even more of a threat, and making to deal with him using your physical power. He dodged every single one of your assaults, managing to eventually pin you to the ground.

You struggled, becoming relieved when you were released. Although, you were now alert; moving back and once more preparing to attack.

He sighed.

"I thought Pro Heroes didn't use alleys." He droned.

You gaped at this man as if he was insane. How could he be so very bored? Taking in his appearance, you wagered that he was a little older than you, unshaven, and extremely tired. Your mind was flipping between episodes of 'I should apprehend him' to 'What about the cats?' to 'He's actually quite hot.'

After another series of deep sighs, his disinterested voice rang in your ears.

"They're okay? The cats?" He felt the need to clarify when your face showed a mystified visage.

"H-Huh? Oh – yeah...I found them here, so I came to check." You replied, studying him carefully.

Apparently, he wasn't too fond of this, as he told you not to look at him so much, because your gaze was irritating.

"My apartment won't allow animals." He stated, reaching down to pet the kittens.

"S-So they really were just dumped here." Your tone saddened a fair amount, indicating that you did not wish to leave these poor cats alone in this side-street.

"Can you keep pets?" He questioned, staring at the fluffballs with a softer expression.

"Um...I-I guess...maybe."

The prospect of raising four kittens dumbfounded you – would there really be enough time in your schedule? After all, you were a UA teacher, and being alone in your apartment made things worse; there would be nobody home for the majority of the time – it would almost be like they were back out on the streets.

The man appeared to notice your distress, yet he also saw the excited glint in your eyes. Sighing, he turned to you, lazily extending a hand.

"Shouta Aizawa."

"A villain...?" You asked, cautiously.

He nodded, looking as if this whole ordeal was a great encumbrance - like the situation was too much effort to bother with.

"Look, if you're bothered about not being home, I can stay with them." He yawned, reminding you just how tired you actually were.

Pausing, you considered his comment. Well, at least until you realised the implications. A blush dusted your cheeks, and you rushed to stammer some coherent words.

"B-But...shouldn't you o-only go to a girl's house if you're d-dating??"

Head spinning, you contrived a nonsensical sentence, causing the male in front to glance back idly.

"Then, we just need to date."

[Word Count: 679]

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