Izuku Midoriya [Kinktober]

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Requested by: _Jimochiii

Kink: Slave/Master


"You will wear this."

In a demanding, almost threatening tone, you clearly stated your first order. This was a completely new experience for both of you, but it had been mutually agreed, giving you full control over your 'innocent' partner. In reality, he was anything but – it was Midoriya who pioneered the idea to you during lunch one day.

Choosing to indulge him, you bought a bracelet that would be, for the most part, inconspicuous, but that still showed his slavery. He was now bound to you by oral contract; obedient and willing to fulfil your every command.

"Don't take it off. Not at school, not at home." You ordered, with a voice that implied punishment if any circumstance were to have him remove it.

He gulped, sweat rolling down his face. "Y-Yes."

Securing it on his wrist, making sure it was rather tight – enough to cause mild discomfort, but hardly enough to be harmful, you stared at it for a minute with a look of pride.

Moving your sight to rest on his nervous features, you watched silently as he fidgeted under your intense gaze.

"I should lay out some ground rules." You started, voice low, now undoubtedly menacing.

A lump formed in Midoriya's throat. Although, it wasn't exclusively the fault of anxiety. No – he was more than a little excited. His erratic movements were predominantly to hide his forming erection. Your unceremonious words and ominous tone filled his wanton body with anticipation.

"R-Rules...?" He questioned, in spite of already knowing the consequences of proposing to act out such a kink.

Grabbing his chin with force, you wordlessly dared him to challenge your demands. His breathing was irregular; it hitched when you brushed your lips over his, teasingly. The pressure in his lower regions was making him pant roughly.

Ghosting your lips along his face, you stalled at his ear, blowing cold air on to the sensitive appendage.

"Rule one: Don't speak except when spoken to, unless you want to be punished."

Midoriya shivered violently as a result of your sly actions, immediately going into a defensive position. His hands were blocking his face from your view, and it only germinated an unpleasant anger inside you. Snarling almost animalistically, you detached his hands impetuously.

Another startled gasp left his mouth. Bringing your palm to the side of his face, you slapped him brutally, sending him stumbling backwards.

"Rule two: You will look me in the eyes."

He apprehensively met your furious gaze, holding his face in an attempt to alleviate some of the pain.

"Rule three: Think about me, and only me. If you so much as mention another girl, both of you will be suffering lifelong injuries."

Midoriya was unsure if he could really do that – after all, he attended class with six, maybe seven females, and one of them happened to be his best friend. Would you punish him if he took a fleeting look at her?

"Rule four: When around me, whether alone or in company, you will address me as 'Master'."

Now he could officially die of embarrassment. He was overflowing with thoughts of 'What would they think?' and other pointless nonsense that you didn't have even a minute for. You didn't seem to mind humiliating him in front of your friends and classmates. In fact, you appeared to revel in it.

"Rule five: You belong to me, so you have no choice but to follow my commands. If you don't..." You trailed off, running a finger along the outline of his erection through the tight pants he wore.

Suddenly, you groped it harshly, causing a loud, lewd moan to resonate through the room, bouncing off the walls and carrying straight to your ears. You toyed with him for what must have felt like a lifetime for the boy, but it was really only about two minutes.

"...then you get punished." You finished, letting go of his clothed member.

As you were about to walk away, Midoriya grinded himself against you, hoping to draw out some kind of response. Truthfully and shamefully, he couldn't deny that he was desperate for your touch. The pleasure he felt upon pushing your bodies together was swiftly thwarted.

"Rule six: I decide when you get stimulation."

You were going to put him in his place – Izuku Midoriya was yours to play with; and before he got what he so desperately needed, he was going to beg.

It was about to get wonderfully deafening. 

[Word Count: 744]

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