Katsuki Bakugou {Vampire AU}

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There was a tradition on your small island, which happened about once every two years.

The king, a constantly angry, overly-explosive blonde vampire required a new blood-bank after two years. Some people often said that this was because, by the end, the previous one had been drained of all their blood, and their lifeless body was no longer of any use to the islanders. The king had an assistant, although nobody was entirely sure why he stayed by his boss' side; he had spiky crimson hair, and sharp, shark-like teeth, which were very good for sucking blood. He was, actually, a much nicer person than the king, and didn't look down on humans, unlike his superior.

"Kirishima!" An irritated voice called.

"Yes, Bakugou?" He asked, used to his harsh tone.

The king began pulling on his robes, hurriedly, and almost in a panic, but it was always rather hard to tell with such a one-track individual. The red-haired man walked beside him, presenting his boots and one of the necklaces he generally wore. The king took them without thanking him, but he was used to this as well. It must have been something pretty important, to rile the blonde up so much.

He turned to Kirishima, stating, "I need a new blood-bank."


Between the two of them, and only a handful of other soldiers, they managed to gather all the citizens. The king glared down at them from his high post, with accusatory scarlet orbs. You were, incidentally, amongst this crowd, and you kept trailing your eyes from the people surrounding you, to the king, and back again. Something told you that you didn't want to make eye contact with that brute – nobody on the island really knew a whole lot about him, considering that his assistant handled all the financial and business aspects, and the king took the burden of watching everything unfold from above.

Well, he did some things to benefit the island, but since it wasn't anything public, you weren't aware of his dealings. However, you had heard the stories about how he would drain an individual dry, and then toss them aside. From what others had recounted, he seemed to be a truly heartless, ruthless killer, but the people were too afraid to even attempt to overthrow him. It was said that his assistant had the ability to transform into a brilliant red dragon that breathed fire. It would certainly explain why you often glimpsed a dragon flying around in the air, anyway.

All was silent, and no-one dared move. The king sniffed the air, trying to work out who had the most delectable blood. Like a dog, he followed his nose, only stopping once he was directly in front of you.

Your face immediately paled, and you thought there must have been some sort of mistake – you had never been chosen before, obviously, because you were still alive, but, why now then? What was so good about the scent or quality of your blood, anyway? How could vampires even tell? I mean, they looked just like ordinary humans, all except for the protruding fangs.

The king walked closer, and you completely froze. His face moved in a circular motion as he checked, confirming that the smell did, in fact, belong to you. He pulled back, a smirk now forming at the corners of his mouth. He licked his lips cruelly, sending a violent shiver down your spine.

He stood up straight. "This is the one."

Kirishima nodded, instructing a few of the soldiers to detain you. However, before they got the opportunity, the king raised a hand, stilling them. Their faces showed confusion, but when they met the eyes of the blonde vampire, they understood that they needed to back down. He looked at you, grabbing your chin to turn your face. He hummed, apparently rather pleasantly surprised. Dropping that hand, he clasped his fingers tightly around your wrist, using nothing but his superhuman strength to drag you along.

He refused to let you go, and so you walked in shame towards the palace, multiple soldiers flanking you, just in case you did attempt to escape. At various points throughout the journey, you saw him glance at your neck for a few moments, and then snap his head back, and grip your arm a little rougher.

When you arrived at the palace, you instantly noted its superiority to the rest of the island – it was extremely imposing, standing much taller than any of the village houses, with turrets and other magnificent features that you had only ever read about in fairy tales. Kirishima recognised the look of awe written on your face, and smiled sadly. You probably wouldn't last too long. Bakugou may have a keen nose, but you already seemed to be tired, and he wasn't sure if your body would hold up.

"Kirishima, prepare our room." He commanded.

"Sure thing, Bakugou."

You felt something on your side, and soon realised that a hand had snaked itself around your waist. A crimson hue threatened to invade your cheeks, but why would you blush for the king? He was very clearly a vampire, who hated humans, and only wanted you for your blood.

"B-Bakugou?" You asked, tentatively. "That's you n-name?"

He smirked. "Katsuki Bakugou."

You nodded, surprised, but then remembered something strange: "W-Wait...you said our room?"

"Oh yeah, you're sleeping with me while you're here."

[Word Count: 904]

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