Tenya Iida

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His obscure hand movements beguiled your eyes; the strictly formal tone he used both amused and intrigued you. He had been the very first person to approach you after your transfer, and you were pleasantly surprised. At first glance, he didn't seem to be any fun at all, what with him barking orders to ensure the protection of every object in the room, at the expense of his classmates' fun.

However, as he stood there, talking you through all the different facilities, and the dress code (which he stressed was of the utmost importance), among a variety of other things, you found yourself unable to tear away your gaze. There was nothing romantic about this feeling budding in your chest – it was more like excitement at gaining your first friend at this new school.

"And that concludes the tour!" He stated, coming to a halt.

He gave you a smile, and you felt one forming on your own lips.

"Yes. Thank you."

He huffed, appearing to be rather proud of his guidance.

"If you have any queries regarding the school or students, please feel free to tell me. I am the class president, after all." Those words were definitely spoken with pride, but you thought it was a nice addition to his personality.

You parted ways shortly thereafter, leaving you with a grateful smile and quiet butterflies in your stomach. If everyone was as nice as him, then getting through these next three years was going to be a breeze, and certainly very entertaining!

Meeting him again at lunch, you asked about joining his entourage, to which he gladly accepted. He introduced you to Midoriya and Uraraka, and it wasn't long before the four of you became really close. They flooded you with questions, the majority of which came from your green-haired companion, about trivial matters such as your quirk, family and mannerisms. They were relieved to learn that you were nothing like Bakugou (they hadn't anticipated it, but never be fooled), and so you were quite easy to connect with.

The next morning, you were greeted with the sight of Iida at his locker. Bounding up to him, you waved and started up a conversation. You questioned him about his role as class president, and the responsibilities that came with such a job. He took them in his stride, filling you in on all the little details.

"So, do you like, organise school trips and things?" You asked, curiously.

Pushing up his glasses, he responded, "Not exactly. I help keep my classmates in line, and if any in-school events come up, then I confer with the teachers, compiling a list of everything my classmates want."

He continued on that one point for a good five minutes, before stopping. He turned to you, sliding open the classroom door.

He motioned for you to go first. "After you."

Giggling, you said, "Thanks!"

"My pleasure."

The days passed faster than you probably would have liked, although Iida and yourself always found a way to pair up during group exercises. You sort of became his 'plus one', in a way – despite being really good friends, it did appear like you just followed him around sometimes. Your other friends would often make excuses for not walking with the two of you after school, simply to give you some time alone.

They spied on you, obviously, because what true friend doesn't?

Soon enough, you were practically inseparable, even meeting up on the weekends. Every time, you would invite Midoriya and Uraraka, but they were usually busy. At least, that was what they told you.

"Hey Iida?"

Your voice graced his ears, and he asked, "Yes?"

"Do you wanna be like, you know..."

Tilting his head, brows furrowing in concentration, he waited patiently for some clarity. Behind his glasses, intense blue eyes stared at you, throwing your thoughts into a haze.

Glancing swiftly from him to the seat beside you, and repeating this action many times, you attempted to collect yourself.

"Could we be...t-together?" 

[Word Count: 668]

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