Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: Spookyspagetti


You didn't have an outstanding quirk, nor phenomenal looks, and you certainly weren't one to flounder your personality - you were a very, very normal person, almost to the point of being boring. At least, that was how you portrayed yourself during school hours. You were good academically, had a few great friends, but you got along fine with most of your classmates. You had a massive crush on the prettiest boy in class, Shouto Todoroki. To everyone who knew you on a shallow level, you were extremely generic. You weren't adored by your peers, like a certain green-haired male, but the limited attention you received was more than enough for you. It wasn't like you were shy, exactly. In fact - you could be very funny, and you often liked to roast your classmates. Due to this, you had a blossoming friendship with both Kyoka and Kaminari.

Honestly, you were glad that nobody knew how you acted outside of school.

Let's just say: you were a completely different person.

You would wear make-up and designer clothes, you went out on the high streets and bought handbags, dresses, high heels and an assortment of trendy accessories. You were the type of person who entered karaoke bars to have a good time, joining in with random strangers who just happened to be there as well.

You wondered if Todoroki would prefer this version of you: the more confident, outgoing, fashionable individual. Should you share this other life with your classmates? You didn't manage to speak with the boy much, since you were normally a little reserved, so perhaps if he saw a dramatic change in both your look and demeanour, he might be more inclined to like you? He never really even looked Yaoyorozu's way, so he probably wasn't too bothered about appearances, but it wouldn't hurt to try, right?

You sat in class, contemplating this as though your very existence hinged on it. You barely even heard Ashido as she announced to the class: "We're having a class bonding session in the dorms tonight! Pizza, snacks and movies! No-one's allowed to back out! Especially not Bakugou or (Y/n)!!"

She was dead.

From your left, there was a distinctive growl from the explosive blonde. Apparently, he was not entirely amused by the concept of a 'class bonding session', as the pink-skinned girl had put it. You, on the other hand, were becoming increasingly anxious. You finally decided to show your crush how you truly were outside the comfort of the school environment, and now you had to do it in front of everyone else? Oh god, you could sense your brain going into overdrive. It was definitely going to fry. Your circuits were about to expire.


"Okay, girl - you can do this!"

Slapping your cheeks with brute force, you finished applying your make-up, and generally getting ready for the night. It wasn't really a big event, but after reviewing everything your class had been through together, you ultimately concluded that they would accept this; you were going to be alright, and you could trust them. Your hair was up and styled, your face was plastered with make-up, your clothes were trendy, and your confidence was heightened.

Your classmates had all previously assembled in the living room, and Ashido was growing restless - you were late. Todoroki glanced around, and when he couldn't see your small smile, his heart dropped. He often caught you staring at him, and when he attempted to wave or give you a look of acknowledgement, you immediately looked away. He wondered if you hated him. Did he repulse you? Was he the reason you didn't want to attend this bonding session? Should he see what was wrong?

However, all his worries dissipated the moment you stepped into the room. Your feet were covered with slippers, but it was like you were wearing high heels. When you walked, you accentuated the swaying of your hips, making sure to trail your eyes on Todoroki's figure. He met your gaze, and you smiled.

"(Y/n)?? What the hell?!" Someone shouted.

You heard a whistle. "Lookin' good!"

"Where'd the real (Y/n) go?"

You sighed. "I dress like this outside of school."

"For real?! Wow!"

Ashido motioned for you to sit beside her, but you politely declined, instead opting to position yourself between Todoroki and Bakugou. The latter grunted in disapproval, but the bi-coloured boy blushed lightly. He could feel his left side acting up. In the short time you had known each other, he had grown accustomed to your antics, and although you didn't tend to speak much, he had still managed to develop feelings for you. They grew stronger with each passing day.

This was a completely different side of you. He wasn't exactly sure how to take it, because he didn't feel you needed to be caked in make-up. What were you trying to hide? You were naturally gorgeous, and if you couldn't see that, then you clearly weren't as intelligent as he had been led to believe.

Clearing his throat, he muttered, "You look nice."

"Thanks." You smiled.

"But...why do you need to hide?" He asked.

You shook your head. "I don't. This is just how I am."

"Not naturally." His voice was soft, but also a little sad. "Not in school."

"I'm different in school. I've always sort of been living two lives." You whispered, trying not to interrupt the movie.

He hummed, watching the reflection of the television in your eyes. 

"I like them both."

[Word Count: 918]

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