Izuku Midoriya - Lemon

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Requested by: MonoLilyArts


He must have inherited All For One.

Rumours suggested that he had become the number one villain, so you expected him to be hiding out underground, not in plain sight, merging with the civilian population. Upon seeing him, you decided to follow, hoping to gather intel and report back to the other pro heroes. However, it didn't work out as you had planned, because he spotted you, smirked, and promptly ran after you. As you were panicking, you managed to lead yourself into an alleyway with no escape. It was a marvellous opportunity for him, so rather than leaving you, he simply overpowered and captured you, bringing your unconscious body back to his hideout.

Your quirk failed to save you from this great evil, because he had somehow stopped you from activating it. You tried tirelessly, but to no avail. He simply had the upper hand in the situation, and there wasn't a single thing you could do to deny him. If you had realised during your school years that he would turn out this way, then you never would have crushed on him so hand in the beginning. Needless to say, however, that those feelings had long since vanished.

The difficult part was convincing your brain of this.

He stood before you, prouder than you had ever seen, smirking down at your crumpled form, struggling against its restraints. In his hand, he held a brown paper bag, meticulously concealing whatever was inside it, while simultaneously taunting you by shaking it about. While he refused to showcase its contents, you could hear something rattling around. You thought that perhaps he had weapons in it, but then why would he hide them? Surely if it was what you were imagining, then he would have no quarrel with presenting them. This made your skin crawl, and although he hadn't gagged you, your mouth felt fixed in place, almost as if the current number one pro hero had frozen it shut.

Your captor smirked, obviously sensing your confusion. "It's not what you think, I can assure you."

To prove his point, as your expression was attempting to show scepticism, but sort of failing, he stepped forwards, prompting you to shuffle back. Unfortunately, there was a wall blocking your escape, however feeble your endeavour might have appeared. Of course there was a wall – there's always something rendering escape impossible in these stories.

When he was close enough that you could feel his frigid breath on your face, he whispered, "It's so much worse."

Right beneath your face, he started opening the bag. You unwittingly peered inside, and your blood ran cold. This now definitely seemed like an annoying quirk, but you knew that he hadn't obtained any ice-based ones. After all, the police and the rest of your former classmates, now all trained professionals, had been working harder than anyone to find and capture this dreadful man. He had killed more people that you thought possible, especially given his background and history. For years, he had desperately wanted to become a hero, just like his idol, but some time into his training at the hero academy, he had realised that all pro heroes were frauds and low-lives. At least, that was his line of thinking – obviously not all the professionals were like Endeavor used to be.

He just had a twisted perception.

You managed to stutter horribly, gasping for air and eliciting a malicious bout of laughter from your companion. He brought his face closer to yours, so that his verdant locks brushed up against your skin. You strained to pull back, but he grabbed chin forcefully, smashing his lips on to yours. He prodded at your mouth, trying to make you open it, but you wouldn't. You were so distracted with fending him off your lips that you failed to notice the calloused hand slipping into your pants, until you felt a sharp pain in your nether region. You gasped, shocked beyond comprehension, allowing him to push his tongue into your mouth, claiming the new territory as his own.

He suddenly disconnected your lips, but immediately went to your neck and began sucking and biting, leaving ugly purple marks, and making you whine in discomfort. This wasn't what you had planned for the afternoon. All you actually wanted was to patrol and be done for the day. Instead, you were here, with this madman, being sexually abused.

Grasping a foreign object in his hand, he inserted it into your womanhood at an agonisingly slow pace, thoroughly enjoying your pained facial expressions. You let out a terrified shriek, unaware of what had just entered you.

"AAAH! W-Wha – ahhh!"

He twirled it around, making sure to watch for every tiny display of pleasure, to use as blackmail. If you didn't want to let him have his way with your body, then he would take it by force. He was determined to cause you a great deal of pain and pleasure. When he had used up all his toys (he bought them just for you – some were the same size as his own length), he would fuck you until your blood and cum mixed together in a large puddle on the ground. He wasn't going to use protection, and if he impregnated you, then he was willing to take full responsibility. That would quite obviously mean your career was over, but he was certain he could provide for the both of you, despite how against this you might be.

"N-Nnghh!! S-STO – AHH!"

His whole being shuddered with excitement.

This was going to be such an amusing night.

Motioning to the bag, he whispered, "What do you want next?"

[Word Count: 942]

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