Toshinori Yagi ღ All Might

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You settled in a sparsely populated expanse, releasing a frustrated breath. Electing to recline in your seat, you let your eyes wander. Beside you perched the ear-splittingly loud Present Mic, and the confident, always enthusiastic All Might. Upon processing the identities of your eccentric companions, a mild disappointment blossomed in your stomach.

Midnight must be absent today.

Positioning your arms on either side of the armchair, an expression of utter boredom plastered itself on to your features. Noticing the change in atmosphere surrounding you, a certain individual adorning a space suit glanced your way.

Laughing, Thirteen remarked, "You look like a king, sat like that."

Regardless of if his comment would be welcomed, Mic exclaimed, "She's a king in the sense that she'll torture and execute you if you betray her!"

An uncomfortably tense silence penetrated the room, as the exasperating blonde's words diffused. They seemed to buzz infuriatingly around your head for a good few minutes, until you made the executive decision to abandon the premises. Some grunts of complaint were sent your way, but promptly ignored. Whilst walking, your ears caught the gentle footfalls of a sneaking figure. Brows furrowed, you glimpsed backwards, spying none other than the number one pro hero, cautiously ambling behind you. Upon acknowledging that he had been spotted, the muscular man rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"Uh...sorry, I just thought you might want some company?" Lying between his teeth, he gave an anxious smile.

Pivoting to face him, crossing your arms indignantly, you responded, "You should have thought harder."

Despite attempting to return your features to monotonous, the form before you made that task very difficult. With each breath exiting his mouth, your irritation only grew. As a remedy, you sank sharp nails into the skin of your arms, drawing out a crimson substance that cascaded to the floor worryingly.

All Might's face contorted from nervousness to unadulterated terror. Recognising that there was actually nothing he could do without provoking a more frightening reaction, he raised his hands in defeat.

"Okay, you were right. I just – to put it..."

As he fidgeted, an opaque mass began encompassing your features: it shrouded your (s/c) skin from view. Panicking extraordinarily, your accomplice waved his hands around faster than previously, in an apparent reconstruction of exorcism, but without the chanting. Although, you did testify to hearing a hushed "I'm sorry!" repeated various times throughout those few minutes, in which you did rather resemble a demon.

Observing that your transformation had gone too far, you willed yourself to be calm, blocking out any/all sounds from the boisterous blonde. Immediately after returning to your normal state, you were engulfed into massive, powerful arms.

Squirming, you tried to dislodge yourself, but without your quirk, or any coherency in your voice, there was no real chance of that. Sighing, you resigned to the fact that you were most likely stuck in a bear hug with this man for some time.

Oh my Kamisama. Not again.

[Word Count: 496]

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