Denki Kaminari

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Requested by: yumibitxh

A/N: I think the last one shot in this book will be the Hawks {2}, so any of the requests I didn't manage to complete in here, will be in the new one.


He thought that your Youtube channel was absolutely amazing. In the beginning, he had watched your videos solely for the gaming - you were actually one of the best players out there, at least to his knowledge. He was a little hesitant at first, because he had bought into the preconceived belief that females weren't at all good at gaming. However, when he started watching, he soon changed his opinion. The way you effortlessly completed every in-game task and beat every opponent sent shivers down his spine. Your voice only heightened his excitement; it was heavenly, and for some reason, sounded oddly familiar. He tried to shake off this thought, as he rushed home. His laptop was waiting for him, and so were you (at least, that's what he liked to think).

This was bound to be an incredibly sensational day - you were finally doing a face reveal! He wore a wide smile, just imagining what you could look like. He figured, from your voice alone, that you would be a pretty young woman, probably no older than him. He began wondering if you lived anywhere close. Suspiciously, he scanned the area, narrowing his eyes at the various houses he passed.

When he arrived home, he hastily kicked off his shoes, bounding upstairs without greeting his family. Immediately, he opened his laptop, popping up the correct tab, and viewing your channel. A whining sound escaped his lips, as he realised you had yet to post. He threw himself atop his bed, rolling around and biting his sheets. You had promised to do the reveal after school, he recalled, so you probably wouldn't have it up for a while. He sighed quietly, anticipation building. He supposed the wait made it more exciting. A few more minutes passed, with the electric blonde checking the laptop screen frequently. Eventually, he lifted his head at the right moment, to see that your video was up. He scrambled to his desk, settling himself in his chair, and clicking on the video. He gulped, extremely nervous. It started, and your voice could be heard, but you had a gaming background. Suddenly, it was removed, and replaced by an awkward-looking girl, waving to the camera and presenting a series of new games. Kaminari's hands flew to cover his mouth, trying to muffle the screams.

He had a massive crush on you! This was amazing! He wasn't in the least bit aware that you owned such a great account. The content you put out stopped bothering him, after some time. It got to a point where he just focused on your voice, sometimes playing your videos on repeat while he drifted to sleep. He attempted, countless times, to pinpoint your voice, because he was certain that it sounded familiar. Now, he knew why. He almost started crying - you were so cool! He was definitely going to let you know tomorrow. You would be bombarded with questions and compliments. It wasn't as if he never talked to you, but the two of you had drastically different friendship groups, so he didn't often have the chance.

Now, however, he was determined.

That night, he slept peacefully, listening to your soft tone. Once or twice, his eyes fluttered back open, because he mistakenly heard his name in your musings. When he finally managed to sleep, it was peaceful, and he dreamed of you. He awoke the next morning feeling refreshed, and ready for the day ahead. He practically ran to school. He was actually incredibly early, so much so, that the only other person there was Iida. As soon as you stepped through the door, you were engulfed in a hug. You stumbled backwards, obviously ill-prepared. Iida made a fleeting comment about safety and PDA, but neither of you were listening.

"Um...hi? This is unusual." You mumbled.

His eyes were sparkling. It was absurdly terrifying.

"You! You're amazing!" He yelled.

"Thanks?" You raised an eyebrow, in extreme confusion.

He leaned closer. "(Channel name)! I knew I recognised the voice!"

You paled. "U-Uh...maybe you've got the wrong person?"

"No way! You did a face reveal yesterday!" He beamed, jumping up and down like a constipated child.

"That doppelgänger?" 

[Word Count: 699]

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