Tamaki Amajiki - Lemon

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Requested by: JackieLSoto


He wasn't sure what to do with these emotions.

Due to his crushing anxiety, he never felt confident enough to tell anyone - not even Mirio! And sure, he blushed around most people, and in most situations, but with you, it was much more prominent. So, he didn't really have to tell his closest friend - he just knew. Tamaki's face would erupt in an alarming shade of crimson, crawling from his forehead, to his cheeks, to his neck. He looked so similar to a tomato, it was almost laughable. Mirio sometimes called him out on it, and the flushed ravenette would quickly slap a hand over his companion's mouth, brows furrowed and head lowered.

He acknowledged what this overwhelming emotion was, but not enough to act on it. He unwittingly allowed himself to be consumed by these feelings. A dreamy, fanciful expression would adorn his face, as he stared at you in class. Mirio, being the only person not paying attention to the lesson, decided that he wanted to help his friend out.

There was a group project coming up, and immediately after that was announced, Tamaki looked to Mirio. However, he had partnered himself up with Nejire. The ebony-haired male became extremely distressed - he was always with Mirio. You were usually the one who partnered with Nejire. He glanced towards you, seeing that you had no partner, and wondering if he should ask you. Although, when he looked around the room, he saw a few males with their gazed directed at you. His ears drooped slightly, and he began thinking that you would be better off partnering up with one of them instead. He resolved to the fact that he would be alone for this particular project. He couldn't exactly blame Mirio for not choosing him this time; they were always together, and, given his anxious disposition, he was a very boring person to be around.

He sighed loudly, resting his chin on the desk. He released a second sigh, and turned his head so that his face was planted on the desk. He nuzzled it into the solid wood, as if hoping that he would be able to break it, and the splinters would stick into his face and end him.

Meanwhile, you were writing something on a piece of paper, smiling lopsidedly. You had noticed that your usual partner was with Mirio, and when you looked at them, they both gave you a thumbs-up. That meant Tamaki was on his own, no doubt questioning his existence again.

You finished writing, and pivoted in your seat. The nervous wreck of a boy sat directly behind you, so it wasn't difficult to pass the note. You placed it atop his head, watching in amusement as he shot up in his chair. He saw your gorgeous smile, and his face flushed. He started stuttering, not quite certain if you wanted him to say something, or if he was allowed to remain silent. You motioned to the note. He fumbled with the small piece of paper, attempting to open it, but trembling far too much.

He shrivelled under your gaze, but eventually managed to unfold the paper. His dark eyes scanned the contents, seeing a very short question.

Be my partner?

He gulped quite audibly. Why on Earth would you ever want to partner with him? He was so boring - not even Mirio, his best friend, wanted to be with him this time! You gazed into his eyes, observing the glimmer of insecurity. You sighed, but waited patiently for a reply, and for him to realise that this wasn't a cruel prank. He never stopped trembling, and you desperately desired to grab his hands and squeeze them tightly. You thought, however, that this would render him very, very uncomfortable, so you remained in your seat, just waiting.

There was no sign that he was ever going to make a move.

Did he not want to be your partner?

"Amajiki?" You asked, concerned.

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