Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: cherryblossomsamurai


Silken in texture and lustrous in appearance, Todoroki mused that it drastically contrasted your personality. Wrapping elegant strands of (h/c) around his fingers, he briefly wondered if you would allow him to adorn your own with a gleaming ring.

Glimpsing his contemplative expression, your only friend – one distinctive ravenette – sighed with a concoction of sympathy and amusement.

"If you wake her up, she'll be mad." Her tone was lowered for your benefit; however, once a sentence or conversation was directed towards you, he clung to every word.

Humming softly, he continued caressing your radiant locks, letting them cascade over your face momentarily, before tenderly brushing them behind your ears. His pale features seemed to glow upon gracing a contented smile playing at your lips.

As he gradually began lowering himself to meet your attainable lineaments, an adorable sight froze him in place. Inches from your delectable lips, his mismatched orbs locked on to yours, presenting your hazy vision with the epitome of beauty. Fluttering open gently, your luminous (e/c) eyes hastily caught the spectacle, propelling you into a flurry of emotions. Acting as natural as was viable, you leisurely raised your head, swiping his face away.

"When has that proximity ever been acceptable?" Cold and reserved, you ensured your point was received.

He attempted to regain eye contact throughout this, never once managing to succeed. A wistful sigh escaped his mouth as he remembered the feeling of your ethereal locks, grazing wonderfully across his hands, sending him into a state of bliss. Ever so slightly, a peaceful smile settled on his lips.

When he spoke, he did so conscious of your previously-asleep status.

"Sorry. I was just admiring you."

Snorting, you tossed a few cynical remarks around in your head, finally deciding that you didn't wish to converse with this strange man for much longer.

A simple, sarcasm-filled line signified the end of your exchange.

"Sure. I'd definitely love to hear your thoughts on my oh-so-unique face."

Gathering any supplies from the random assortment on your desk, you rose, ambling tiredly towards the door. Todoroki watched your graceful movements until you abandoned the majorly unoccupied classroom, eventually releasing yet another dejected sigh, trailing his eyes to the floor.

A short, awkward laugh turned his attention towards Yaoyorozu.

Condolence laced her tone as she calculated that it must have been at least the sixth time this week, and there were still a couple of days remaining.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's just embarrassed."

Although, the falsehood concealed within her words was glaringly obvious to both of them. Todoroki could only hope that, given time, his advancements would effectively melt your heart of ice.

[Word Count: 444]

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