Katsuki Bakugou

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You were a transfer student from America, and being really lively, you made quick friends with everyone in the class. Everyone...except Bakugou. He was the one person who really caught your interest upon entering the classroom, and ever since, you had been trying to hold a conversation with him.

He would always blow you off though – swearing and shouting, but you kept up, determined to become friends with him.

You walked up to his desk with a bright smile.

"Bakugou-kun! How are you?" Your head was tilted slightly, and a few strands of hair fell in your face.

He resisted the urge to reach out and tuck them behind your ear, instead choosing to shout at you to make it look like he actually didn't care.

He totally didn't. ^(¬_¬)^

"The hell would you care? Get the fuck out of my face!"

You frowned. You weren't in his face. Before you could point this out, someone ushered you away in order to prevent any chaos. They didn't want Bakugou blowing up the classroom, or injuring you.

Your seat was behind his, so for most of the day, you just stared at the back of his head. He never turned around, so you figured he hadn't known.

However, as soon as the bell rang for lunch, you were dragged out of the room by an angry blonde. He took you somewhere private, slamming you against a nearby wall.

A jolt of pain went through you, and when you looked up at him, he seemed conflicted. It was almost like he wanted to be angry, but couldn't hold down some other emotion. Frowning again, you were about to ask what you had done, when he started to speak.

"Why the fuck did you stare at me for ages?" He questioned.

You gulped. So he had known that.

"I was – um...just thinking of ways to get you to like me." You admitted.

He looked at you in disbelief. Why did you try so hard when it was obvious he didn't like you? Well...

"Well stop. It's annoying." There was malice in his voice, but it wasn't his usual amount.

He was about to walk away, when you grabbed his arm. His eyes widened a little, and you weren't sure why you didn't just let him go. Both of you were silent for a while. You clung to his arm like he would die if he even took a single step.

You tried to break the silence. "Please be friends with me!"

Looking at him with puppy-dog eyes, you were practically begging. He almost punched himself when he thought you were cute.

"Tch. Why should I?" He asked, trying to seem as annoyed as possible.

You were getting frustrated – he was the only person you weren't yet friends with in the class, but you really wanted to get to know him. It didn't bother you that he was harsh – that never deterred you.

Mustering all the courage you had, you stood on your tip-toes, and planted a chaste kiss on his lips. When you pulled away, you could see that he was attempting to fight back a blush. You inwardly smiled.

"Then...if you won't be my friend, will you be my boyfriend?"

You stared at each other, unblinking for about a minute, until he looked away and mumbled. You let out a "Hm?", and he said it a bit louder.

"I-I guess." 

[Word Count: 572]

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