Katsuki Bakugou

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Requested by: Kitty-chan03


The pretence of aloofness was just too alluring. You had always been the same; your childhood friends could vouch for that. To be perfectly honest, you wished for a more naturally outgoing personality. Instead, you had become entrapped by your stoic disposition, therefore rendering you unable to voice your innermost emotions.

Not even the green-haired boy, forever in the background, shadowing a certain explosive blonde, couldn't see it, despite him being so very perceptive. That's what you liked about him - he was really good at reading people. However, he failed to read you. It was what you had expected from the beginning, but there was also a spark of hope in your eyes, for all those years; maybe if he noticed, then the blonde would notice too. He wasn't exactly an idiot - far from it. You recognised his intelligence and offensive prowess, but you never bowed down at his knees and prayed to him, like so many of your classmates. He wasn't a god, but he was clever, so if these two males, who were closest to you, couldn't decipher your feelings, then anybody else trying was destined to be hopeless.

You always greeted the two in the mornings, receiving a cheery response from Midoriya, but a vague, grumpy hand gesture from Bakugou. You didn't call him with a nickname; you hardly actually spoke to him. He wasn't the most sociable individual in the world, and you were kind of surprised that your other childhood friend managed to get away with it. After all, it was obvious the blonde was unhappy.

Midoriya held you on the same podium as Bakugou, seen as though you had developed an amazing time quirk when you were five years old, a little before the rage monster got his explosion power. Although it was deemed to be a wonderful ability, you couldn't help wondering if it was possible to utilise it to go back in time and gift Midoriya a quirk of his own. You asked once if he would want this, but he shook his head vigorously, stating that he didn't expect you to use your powers for him, and he was quite content just watching from the side-lines. This was a lie, of course - you saw it in his eyes; the forlorn glint was agonising to everyone with a heart (so, not Bakugou).

However, he seemed to get a late-onset quirk; it was one similar to All Might's, and although he was breaking his bones all the time, he was incredibly happy. You couldn't say the same for Bakugou, unfortunately. He was seething, and it was painfully apparent. He wasn't sure how Midoriya had managed to obtain a quirk, and you had to stop him from killing the poor cinnamon roll.

He shouted at you for a few moments, but didn't get any backlash. He quickly grew bored of the one-sided conversation, and stalked off in the opposite direction. Midoriya thanked you, and a steady breath escaped your lips. This wasn't uncommon - you were always very stressed, but you tended to let everything out in the comfort and solitude of your own home.

"A-Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. He's as arrogant as ever." You replied.

He just laughed, awkwardly.

"He's exasperating." You stated.

You walked to the changing room, maintaining a composed face. Something caught your eye, and you glanced to the side, seeing Bakugou with his back planted on a wall nearby the female room. You stopped.

"Hey." He spoke, his tone sending shivers down your spine.

You nodded, and he continued, "Did you know about that?"

"No." You responded, calmly.

"Right. Just makin' sure." He gazed down.



You studied his features - he was trying to look unperturbed. You shook your head, muttering a soft "Nothing", before continuing on to the changing room. Your heart hammered in your chest, but you wouldn't say anything about it. He probably wouldn't care anyway; it was obvious that he didn't care much for his childhood friends. He was far closer with Kirishima than you or Midoriya. You had nothing against the crimson-haired male, but it did feel slightly like your friend was being dragged away from your clutches. Unfortunately, your hold was never very tight, because you were always so distant. You felt more comfortable around Midoriya, although you wished the blonde was more welcoming.

You sighed - you really did hold strong, unwavering feelings for the explosive boy, but he didn't seem to reciprocate them. It was possible this was simply due to you never announcing your emotions, and your stone-cold visage never gave anything away.

When it came to the ending of the school day, you grabbed your bag, and began to wander out of the door. You had left it a little later to make a move, considering the flock of students rushing to the door. However, as soon as you started to round a corner, someone yanked you by the arm. You turned around to get a glimpse of your attacker, ready to use your quirk.


He clicked his tongue. "Yeah, yeah, it's just me. C'mon, let's go."

This was bizarre. "Go...where?"

"My house. The old lady was asking about you." He spoke about his mother with scorn, although you thought he likely did love her.


The journey to his home was near-silent, almost oppressive. Bakugou refused to release your arm, and you tried not to question it. You set your mind on the street in front, moving one leg at a time, and regulating your breathing. Your pace had slowed, keeping in time with your companion's. You were so close you could feel his warm breath on your neck.

No blush crept on to your cheeks, no embarrassment flooded your system. You were content - happy - and you didn't want anything to ruin this moment. It may be the only time he actually allowed you to be in such close proximity to him. He was very proud, after all.

There was a rustling in the bushes, almost as if a gust of wind had whipped past and blown a few of the crisp, autumn leaves on to the ground.

There was no wind.

The next thing you knew, a man clad heavily in black, with no distinguishing features, jumped out of the shrubbery. His eyes possessed a hungry, malicious glint, and he licked his lips, staring straight into your skull. Bakugou pulled you behind him, getting into a fighting stance. He was just about to yell something to taunt the person, but he never got that chance.

He must have had a speed quirk, because he was lightning-fast, giving him an instant advantage. A sharp, stinging sensation gripped your side, and you fell to the ground, vision blurry and body trembling. Bakugou's scarlet eyes widened, and he rushed to you, immediately wrapping his arms around your figure. He lifted you up, carrying you bridal-style, and started running. He needed the nearest hospital. He needed some form of medical attention. You were bleeding, losing vital fluids rapidly, and he wasn't sure how much longer you would last. He tried to clog your wound while racing to the nearest hospital. There was no way he could reach his phone, and the man had long since vanished.

You choked, prompting him to slow.

He gulped. "You're gonna be okay. Just stay with me, (Y/n)."

Red filled your sight, and you noticed that there were two of Bakugou, cradling you with the exact same arms - those strong arms, which you loved, alongside the rest of him. You wanted to smile; Bakugou was here with you, finally! He was worried and fretting, because of you. That should have made you happy, and perhaps it did, but as more time passed, you grew tired and weak. Your walls crumbled, and you let silent, sorrowful tears run the length of your face. This shouldn't be happening - he shouldn't look so upset. Why was he upset? What were you doing? Did you make him unhappy? Maybe you weren't thinking straight. Yeah - that must have been it. You would never intentionally harm him.

You reached up, but touched the wrong Bakugou. Your hand passed right through him. You laughed.

What a crazy situation. 

[Word Count: 1368]

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