Shouto Todoroki

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Returning to his dorm room devoid of much enthusiasm, Shouto spied you spread out on his futon, seemingly sound asleep, with a serene smile, one that managed to wash out all the apprehension of events to come. Namely, his training for the Provisional License Exam, which he initially failed.

Gee thanks, Inasa.

A picturesque, truly grateful smile crept on to his features, propelling him to sit in front of you, so that if you awoke, you wouldn't bear witness to the contented expression plastering his face. He began dressing appropriately, pulling on a new pair of pants, and readying his shoes. As he went to remove his top, you stirred, emitting a cute noise not too dissimilar to that of a sleeping puppy.

Shouto halted briefly, craning his neck to capture you with his mismatched eyes. Groggily, one of your (e/c) orbs fluttered open, and you gently rubbed it as you tried adjusting to the light.

"Morning, love." Shouto called, relishing in the sweet, unintelligible sounds of acknowledgement escaping your throat.

His head turned back to focus on the fresh shirt splayed on the floor in front of him. Just then, he felt a hand tracing his clothed back leisurely, eventually leading to your arms wrapped around his waist. He sighed light-heartedly, opting to place his hands over your smaller ones, intertwining your fingers tenderly.

A few minutes passed, and he presumed Bakugou would bang on his door at any moment, since it was nearing the time of their departure. He hesitantly attempted to pry your hands off his waist, instead resulting in you tugging on his turtleneck in a needy fashion.

Humming knowingly, he gripped the bottom of the shirt, pulling it over his head, throwing it to you once it had been detached from his person. You lay back on his futon, holding the shirt close, snuggling into its warmth. Shouto allowed a blissful smile to glide on to his features, as he stared lovingly at the sight before his eyes.

His hand found your head, his fingers becoming laced in your soft (h/c) locks. For a short while, he was relaxed, gracing your beauteous face with his eyes, and stroking your hair in a way that caused pleasured sighs to evade your lips. Reaching down, he planted an affectionate kiss to your head.

Swivelling, he took the new shirt in his hands, in an effort to figure out how to put it on. Almost instantly, a light scarlet starting dusting his cheeks, blossoming deeper the longer your body stayed against his. You were pressed flush to his back, caressing the outlines of his muscles with delicate butterfly kisses.

He shuddered from the tingling sensation of your lips, electing to strain his neck so that he could meet them, hungrily latching on, and forcing all of his passion to flow through one prolonged kiss. Gravity soon began to work its magic, instigating Shouto to fall forwards, landing on top of you, lips still connected. When he separated from you, however unwillingly, there was a delightful uproar of the most amazing laughter, departing from deep within your throat.

A pronounced smile tugged at his lips as he watched this splendour unfold.

"Midoriya and the others are back. Why don't you greet them?"

[Word Count: 543]

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