Izuku Midoriya

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Indubitable concern flourished on their features as they observed your frail form, barely able to sit up on the hospital bed. Recognising the sea of faces, an appreciative smile played at your lips. In particular, one mess of fluffy verdant hair and matching eyes caught your attention.

"Izuku." You called, weakness lacing your tone.

Stumbling past the blockade of students, he positioned himself beside you, immediately grasping one of your hands. Conscious of the painful situation, he tenderly interlocked your fingers, using a free, calloused hand to trace circles on your skin.

"(Y/n)." In his voice, hope and apprehension were overpowering, but happiness lay dormant.

Glimpsing this heart-wrenching scene, around a dozen of your classmates abandoned your bedside, opting instead to allow you some privacy. Hearing the distinct sound of the door as it shut, you proceeded to concentrate on a tear-stained face. Releasing a strangled breath, you attempted to caress his cheek, but found yourself unable to reach that far.

A crestfallen sigh escaped your lips, only succeeding in provoking yet more unease in Midoriya.

Gulping, he ventured, "H-How – how did...?"

"My body doesn't naturally replenish my blood supply." You explained, suddenly very aware that this was new information to your perpetually anxious companion.

He gestured for you to continue.

"...I either ingest it or it's injected into me, which isn't terribly thrilling." Concluding, you shifted the attention of your (e/c) orbs, refusing to let them settle on him.

Comprehending the way his grasp tightened, you immediately squeezed your eyes shut, praying that he wouldn't be angry. Unfortunately, you possessed a quirk that forced upon you the behaviours of a vampire. In addition to normal, pearly-white teeth, you had two sharp fangs.

Despite training to become a hero, your quirk demanded that you draw blood from random individuals, whenever mandatory. Although, you did endeavour to only drink from villains, so as not to cause unnecessary harm to innocent civilians.

Midoriya knew of your habits and the precautions needed, but rather than shunning you as expected, the adorable boy had welcomed you into his life with a kind smile. Wishing to be anything but a disappointment or hindrance, you resolved to hide your greatest vulnerability.

Much to your dismay, that had almost cost you your life.

"I'm so sorry."

Bewildered, you made an effort to regain focal contact, but the dispirited teen buried his face in your chest. A million questions raced through your mind, none of which manifested themselves into coherent sentences.

Electing to savour the moment, you fluttered adoring (e/c) eyes shut, perching your head atop his gently.

"I'm the one who's sorry."

[Word Count: 436]

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