Tenya Iida

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Requested by: HoodieCladFiasco


"No, no! Please don't leave me!!" You wailed, attaching yourself to him in a frantic effort to stop him from leaving.

His expression displayed an internal conflict – one the one hand, he needed to leave, because it was rather late in the evening, and he had to get home, but on the other hand, you were still high off the gas from when you got your wisdom teeth removed, just an hour or two ago. He had stayed with you, as protection, in case anything bad happened to you while in this practically delusional state. However, when it seemed as though you would soon be fine, and he had a call from his parents enquiring his whereabouts, he knew that he had to leave.

You wrapped your arms around his muscly waist, preventing his escape. He struggled against you, and, while he was stronger, he didn't want to cause you any sort of injury. He cared about you far too much for that. The two of you had been best friends for a few years, but he was always plagued by a different kind of emotion – one that he shouldn't have felt towards such a good friend.

It meant that, although he really did love your company, he refused to be with you for too long, because he either didn't want to embarrass himself, or he didn't wish for his feelings to come spilling out. He thought that you would harshly reject him, and then promptly walk out of his life. You weren't an innately horrible person, but these things could happen, even if the individual in question seemed like the sweetest, most loveable bean on the planet.

He sighed, gripping your arms gently. "(Y/n), please let me go."

"No!" You pouted.

"I'm afraid I have to leave. It's getting late. I'm sure you'll be fine here on your own – your parents will be back soon." He informed, becoming uncomfortably red-faced when you decided to snuggle into his toned chest.

You started muttering something, but it was pretty much unintelligible, so he had to ask you numerous times what you were on about. When he finally got a response, it was far from what he had been expecting. You raised your head, looked him dead in the eyes, and shouted something along the lines of "I love you! Please don't leave!".

He was obviously quite shocked, and didn't exactly know how to handle the situation. You screwed your beautiful (e/c) eyes shut, and leaned into his body, attempting to locate his lips. He was extraordinarily warm, and thought that he might short-circuit at any moment. However, he didn't think too much into your words, because you were very clearly still under the influence of the gas. Instead, he covered his mouth with one of his hands, and used the other to guide your arms to somewhere that wasn't his waist.

You whined, which caused him great distress.

Pushing his glasses up, he stated, "(Y/n), you're not thinking rationally!"

Tears began pricking in the corners of your eyes, as you mumbled, "B-But it's true. I really do l-love you..."

He sighed, trying to think of something to say that wouldn't hurt either of you.

Perhaps he would just wait until you were completely lucid again.

[Word Count: 547]

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