Izuku Midoriya

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According to the Many Worlds Interpretation, every possible outcome of an event (which did not occur in the current timeline), has happened in the past of another universe. The theory proposes the idea of parallel realities, something which, throughout your lifetime, you had become far too acquainted with.

See, your quirk was...odd. Rather than a power enabling you to assist people, or indeed yourself, you possessed the ability to phase between universes.

Or in simpler terms, parallel world hopping.

Being a generally lonely child, as your classmates were completely immature, you often hid away in the confides of your room. You would use your bizarre quirk to lessen the struggles of everyday life, by leaving it behind in pursuit of something better - something more...exhilarating.

Your paradise consisted of good, just individuals who neither discriminated nor condemned. There was no reason for crime or violence, because this world was perfect. It was everything you had ever dreamed of. The only major issue was that during your brief holiday, time passed as normal in the reality you inhabited.

And of course, in that picturesque world, you quickly became a favourite of the green-haired cinnamon roll you so loved. Each visit felt so real, so...amazing, that you never wanted to leave. In this place, he wasn't bullied for his powerlessness, because this was a quirkless world.

Everything seemed to be moulded around your imagination.

Midoriya smiled brightly, gave you unconditional affection, and never once talked of a bad day. It was exactly what you felt he deserved in your super-powered society - no furious blonde beating him down day after day, no biased teachers, no depression, and a girlfriend who was more than he could have ever asked for.

Something that perfect is never meant to last.

The school days dragged on endlessly, and you regularly glanced at the clock, gauging how many more painful minutes you had to endure. At home, you threw on some casual clothes and activated your quirk, entering the idyllic world. In this world, your parents accepted you, and didn't have to live with the thought of having a 'quirkless' daughter.

However, there is always a downside.

Regardless of how many hours you wasted in that other reality, nothing ever transitioned into your world; everything remained in the same chaos. Additionally, the nervous, powerless boy you harboured feelings for was beginning to glimpse you more. That was the second disadvantage - deja vu.

Despite your interactions taking place predominantly within the alternate reality, he gradually became aware of a connection. It was as if a special sensation was elevating his nerves, causing him to be entirely certain that the two of you were closer than you actually were.

He never tested that theory.

Over a year later, after he had enrolled into UA's heroics course, he thought back to all of those extraordinary times - every anticipation when he walked through the doors, the hope that you would call out to him, saying something which explained the strangeness.

Although, as he was lying in bed, he recalled a particular fact: this feeling had been heightened as of late.

Midoriya's POV:

(L/n)-San was quirkless, just like me. Perhaps I'm overthinking this, but I can't shake the thought...it has to be something more than what it seems - more than I was lead to believe. She definitely didn't have any abilities...right? I mean - every kid is so desperate to show them off, and so very proud about them, so if she had one, I'm sure she would have used it at some point. She never used to correct anyone when they called her out for being quirkless.

But, I suppose she wouldn't have. I didn't. We were the nervous ones - she was always situated at the back of the classroom, near my desk actually, and she never talked to anyone. I don't recall ever hearing her speak, and she definitely didn't have any friends, at least not that I know of. Not that I would know if she had any outside of school, of course, but still...

It was always like...I was positive that we had a connection, however slight, and I wasn't ready to let her go, yet I wasn't able to hold on. She just seemed so distant, so unapproachable. I tried, but Kacchan got in the way every time, yelling at me that I shouldn't befriend another 'quirkless loser'.

But was she really quirkless? I'm somewhat doubting that now.

Normal POV:

During one of those particular ventures, you encountered a version of Midoriya drawn into the side of the villains, one where he was fully grown and the proud owner of a shop selling only cacti, among others. However amusing these realities were, you never failed to return to the perfect one.

Until today.

Reclining on silken sheets, one hand resting comfortably on your lover's chest, you breathed happily. Finally - some peace. As you drifted off, you disregarded the sinking sensation welling in your chest - that very same one always and only present when your quirk deactivated.

In the morning, your eyes fluttered open groggily, and you stretched your arms. A tired breath escaped your lips, as you sunk back into the pillows.

A confused shriek ripped you from their warmth.

Scanning your surroundings, you endeavoured to identify the perpetrator. When your gaze settled, those dazzling (e/c) orbs widened dramatically.

In unison, you screamed, "Midoriya? / (L/n)?"

[Word Count: 905]

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