Katsuki Bakugou

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Requested by: PeachOSeed


"Haha! I thought 1-A were supposed to be strong?!"

You glanced over at your twin brother in disgust. He had made it more than apparent that he hated that class with every fibre of his being. The only bit you had a huge problem with, was that he always dragged you into it. When his head shot in your direction, you knew what was coming.

It wasn't even a surprise anymore.

"(Y/n), how about we show the 'oh-so-great' Class A their places?"

He was laughing maniacally, and while you shared similar arrogance, this was something you didn't really want to be involved with: his on-going, one-sided feud with the 'rival' class.

However, Aizawa and Vlad had set up this battle training to ensure you could mortally wound each other on their behalves. Therefore, you had to use the opportunity.

Nodding, you rushed to your brother's side, causing Kendo to sweat-drop and look away. Just as Neito was about to resume goading, or at least trying to goad, Class A, a very familiar, very agitated voice sounded out.


Not again. Come on Neito, you just had to set him off.

Your brother smirked, giving off an expression and posture that screamed prideful and arrogant. Bakugou came flying towards the two of you, propelling himself with explosions. When he was close enough, he brought his hands out in front, blasting you with a powerful fire.

Jumping to the side, you both barely managed to dodge. Your quirk worked the exact same as Neito's. Meaning, you had to get close enough to the enraged blonde in order to activate it. Although, there was an advantage on your side – when using your quirks, if the two of you touched each other, the time you would be able to copy a quirk for increased by ten minutes.

And there was one other thing. Something that was more of a guess than actual fact – you figured the blonde had a crush on you.

He did, but it wasn't necessarily obvious.

During your fight, he pivoted just at the right moments, to avoid overly hurting you, but simultaneously not wanting it to look quite so conspicuous. Due to that, you still endured a potent explosion to the back. Biting your tongue, you held back a whimper, and carefully twisted your body.

He lurched back, but not before you grabbed his arm.

There wasn't any time to look for Neito, even though you reasoned he would be somewhere nearby. Instead, you charged up to Bakugou, your hands sparking the nitroglycerin on your palms. As soon as there was fire, you sent an intense explosion his way.

From your side, you felt a hand on your shoulder.

You smirked.

Ten more minutes.

"Come and get me!" You hollered, irritating the already pissed-off blonde further.

"YOU ASKED FOR IT!" He yelled back, running forwards.

Your fight went on for longer than you had expected, but there was a sense of disappointment when you lost. Falling to the ground in a fit of coughs, still feeling the warmth on your hands, you sighed.

Neito hadn't really done much – apparently he presumed you could handle yourself.

What should I do now?

Suddenly, a hand was thrust out in front of you. Coughing once more, your eyes widened when you found them searching the slightly calmer, and somewhat flushed, face of Bakugou. His head was directed towards you, but he was looking away.

"Um...can I help you?"

Despite the initial bewilderment, you were relieved to know your personality had stayed intact. Thank Kamisama it was the quirk you copied, not the emotions.

Growling a little, and certainly embarrassed, Bakugou resolved to using force. He pulled you up, planting you firmly on the ground.

"I'll admit, you're strong."

It sounded to you much like he didn't want to say those words. They were genuine, but humiliating. He still stood in front of you, almost as if waiting for something. Giggling, your mouth curved upwards into a smile, your eyes softening. Content, you leaned in, standing on tip-toes.

His entire face reddened as you planted a chaste kiss to his cheek.

"You're strong too, Katsuki ~" 

[Word Count: 696]

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