Katsuki Bakugou {Soulmate AU}

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Requested by: ImDeadInside_707


{Soulmate AU: When one person acquires an injury, it also transfers to their soulmate}


A casual meander down the crowded street shouldn't have been quite this dramatic. You were minding your own business, clutching the bag that decorated your back, when all of a sudden, you felt yourself tumbling. As your eyes locked in on whatever had caused this disturbance (and subsequent injury), you were somewhat relieved to find that it was simply a boy you had known forever, who forgot to watch the street, despite there being so many pedestrians.

Ignoring the shooting pain in your leg, you quickly hopped to your feet, extending a hand while simultaneously bowing in apology. The boy began waving his hands around, muttering to himself about how it wasn't your fault, and he needed to be more careful. You agreed, however, the offer of assistance off the cold ground remained available.

Scratching his neck nervously, he grabbed your hand.

"Wow, I haven't seen you in years." You remarked, taking in his well-sculpted appearance.

You certainly didn't remember that from middle school.

"Yeah, well...it's to be expected, what with..." He trailed off, not wishing to offend you.

See, your desire to attend the most prestigious hero school in Japan had been shattered at an early age, much like Midoriya's, except he somehow manifested his quirk an awful lot later than it was thought possible.

You didn't hold that against him though; it was hardly his fault.

"How's Bakugou?" You asked, cautiously, recalling the frankly malicious history between the two.

He laughed. "Kacchan is...still Kacchan, I suppose."

The conversation lasted for a good while, with you questioning him about UA's heroics department, and telling him your thoughts on the Sports Festival. He blushed like there was no tomorrow, becoming really timid due to all the compliments.

That was not, however, the sole reason for his nerves acting up, nor the beads of sweat threatening to run down his forehead – not even the anxious glances away from your cheerful figure. No – they were the result of a very forbidding glare, being directed with frightening accuracy at his person.

Coincidentally, Bakugou had been walking down the same street when his crimson orbs caught sight of two familiar individuals. Initially, he saw Midoriya, and scowled as usual, but then he noticed you. His expression grew slightly softer, and he debated confronting you, but that damned nerd got in the way. Again. His eyes were still gracing your form when you tripped over the cinnamon roll, falling on to the ground.

A mild pain stabbed at his knee, and he sighed in irritation.

It only registered when you touched the exact same spot in which he was feeling this discomfort.

He wasn't completely certain whether to be proud that his fated partner was such an adorable, kind-hearted person, or annoyed by the fact that you were both quirkless and too into Deku. From a distance, he observed your interaction, his eyes brimming with disgust. Upon seeing the green-haired nerd jolt in a terrified manner, he knew that he had been spotted. A smirk wormed its way on to his features.

He allowed a few more moments to pass by, whilst he silently tortured the innocent bean – unbeknownst to you.

Eventually, growing bored of the lack of proximity and sound of your voice, he ambled closer. Spying someone behind Midoriya, you shifted to the side for a better view.

"Bakugou!" You exclaimed, happily.

His smirk never faded, but he didn't recite your name.

"'The hell are you doing here Deku?" He growled, attempting to ward him off.

Brushing it aside as friendly communication, you proceeded to ask him various questions, regarding school life, and including some personal details. Had anyone else asked, he would have blown them away, but because you were so wholesome, and actually didn't associate a single word you spoke with anything nefarious or inappropriate, he elected to humour you.

A few times throughout the conversation, he made a point of grazing his knee, in an apparently futile attempt to convey a message.

You didn't once acknowledge his knee – nor yours for that matter, which lead him to believe that perhaps you were just so bouncy all the time, and nothing really affected you. At least nothing physical, and he wasn't about to test the waters with any emotional trauma.

Maybe he would tell you at a later stage in your lives.

For now, he was basking in the radiance of your smile.

[Word Count: 732]

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