Katsuki Bakugou

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Requested by: OwOQueen

Trigger Warning: Suicide.


It began when he spotted you with your cousin.

He mistakenly assumed that you were being an unfaithful partner, and became enraged. Since this family member was a pronounced male, and you looked nothing alike, he figured his accusation was justifiable. He had loved and cared for you – even lessened his temper around you, so as not to offend or scare you.

And this was how you repaid him?

His fury overwhelmed all his senses, until he was only seeing red. When he interrogated you, you laughed and tried to explain the situation. However, he was barely listening, as he thought that because you had lied to him once, you were fully capable of doing it again. His trust in you had diminished, and he wouldn't make the same mistake again. He wasn't going to let you ruin his life, and his shot at becoming a professional hero. He would completely ignore you, so you learned never to cross him. The last thing he did before this, however, was put an end to your relationship. He stated that he wasn't an idiot, and he knew you were lying – even when you protested, telling him that he had the facts wrong, he still stuck rigidly to his allegations.

He didn't feel an ounce of sympathy when you ran from him, tears flooding your vision.

In the subsequent days, your health started to deteriorate. Your grades plummeted, your appetite ceased to exist, and all your friends grew increasingly worried. The more confident among them checked on you regularly, asking questions about your day and mood, but you generally failed to respond. After a while, you stopped coming into school. You hadn't told anyone where you lived –not even him– so it wasn't as if your classmates could see you. They never spotted you outside, or in your favourite shops. They even tried searching in the parks you frequented, because you loved to be surrounded by nature.

They never found you.

Still, they persisted in their efforts, unwise to the fact that their explosive friend had been the one to initiate this sudden, dramatic change of pace. He didn't once attempt to look for you, much to the dismay of the others. He refused to tell them when he had seen you last, informing them that it wasn't his responsibility to be your babysitter. This obviously perplexed a lot of people, since the two of you were supposed to be together. Soon though, they came to a conclusion – this entire predicament was his fault. Some of his closest companions tried to defend him, but even they knew something was wrong, and there had been for a long time.

After a few weeks of absence, you finally made a decision.

You were going to apologise to him, buy a gift to show your sincerity, and hopefully all would be forgiven. This was the first time you had step foot in the town for a while, and anxiety washed over your system, but you pushed on. Grabbing an item that you knew would make him happy, even if he didn't outwardly express that particular emotion, you paid and had it wrapped up cutely. You exited the shop, making your way down the street with a sombre air.

You hoped that he would forgive you.

A heavy vehicle materialised, speeding down the road at a dangerously fast pace. You were crossing the street, too lost in your fantasy land to even comprehend the magnitude of your fateful mistake, until you had made it. The man behind the car's wheel did nothing to decrease the speed, and he ploughed straight ahead, paying no mind to the girl he left sprawled out on the cold concrete.

As the last few embers of life disappeared, you wondered if Bakugou would ever receive his gift.

His name was on the tag, after all.

The news spread like wildfire. The assailant was captured within a few hours, and taken to a nearby prison, where he was to be held until further notice. The report they were watching left them speechless. It had been so long since they had seen you last – no-one had even managed to contact you, yet there you were, lying on the ground, a serene expression plastered on your face, as if to you, this fate had been an escape from the torments of life.

His name was presented on the screen, as they collected the small gift you had purchased earlier that day.

Guilt and regret consumed every fibre of his being. He had been the one to cause this catastrophe. He had let you ruin his life once, with what might have been a terrible misunderstanding, and now, he had caused something even more horrific. It was quite obviously a hit-and-run, and although you were an unassuming victim, you hadn't been watching out. This angered and saddened him. He wasn't certain what to make of the situation, or what to do about it. He blamed himself entirely, as it was clearly his fault – you just hadn't been the same after the break-up. Maybe you had been telling the truth that day, but it didn't matter much now.

The noose was tight around his neck like a cobra.

He would soon be joining your poor, departed soul.

[Word Count: 880]

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