Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: Azuki_Ayano


You weren't completely incompetent, like that idiot Hakutaku. You were already a professional artist, training to become a professional hero. Your quirk was incredibly powerful, especially if used for the aforementioned professions, and you discovered, at an early age, that they were both very appealing. They went hand-in-hand. Your quirk was called 'Animatic', and it allowed you to bring anything you drew to life. It was sort of like creation, but it required more concentration. It wasn't an easy ability to master, because you had to be extremely good at drawing. You had a few stumbles, but nothing deterred you, and soon, you gained complete mastery of your quirk.

Now you sat in the classroom, listening half-heartedly to your teacher, a grumpy caterpillar. He was droning on about something unimportant, clearly bored out of his mind. You wondered why he even bothered sometimes. Looking down to your blank sheet of paper, you decided to start doodling. Except, for you, 'doodling', meant constructing a really intricate pattern or drawing. It wasn't just a mere sketch - you never did things half-assed. Well, not when it came to hero studies, or developing your quirk.

You frowned. The only downside you could think of, was the fact that it oftentimes took a while to draw something complicated. If you needed a small object without much attention to detail, then it didn't take very long, but if the job asked for something bigger and more detailed, then it could take longer. You needed to figure out a way to lessen the time it took to draw. That wasn't going to be an easy task.

You chewed on the end of your pencil. This particular drawing definitely wasn't coming to life. You were not breathing any spirit into this. Your (e/c) eyes glistened in longing as you glanced at the paper. Then, quickly, you glanced to either side, in an attempt to ensure that nobody was watching. Recently, you seemed to be having a slight problem.

Shouto Todoroki.

That damn boy. He invaded your mind, shoving all other thoughts aside rudely. You supposed this was accurate - he was relatively ill-mannered. He was so adorable though! You weren't sure how anyone could hate him. He was so handsome, muscular (not as much as some of the guys in class, but you didn't care), polite towards most people, and an excellent student. You hadn't managed to talk to him very often, but from what you observed, he was amazing - all you wanted and more. You didn't feel like you deserved him, and you certainly didn't think he could ever fall in love with you.

Due to your minimal interactions, you didn't tell him how you felt. You wouldn't. You shouldn't. He was sure to be so much happier with anyone but you, and, although he always wore a monotone expression, you figured he liked Yaoyorozu. It made sense - they respected each other, and you saw how she pined after him. They felt comfortable in one another's presence, which was more than you could say about the two of you.

You were far too quiet, and since he wasn't that familiar with you, it was safe to say you weren't well trusted.

Well, you could dream.

On the other side of the classroom, Todoroki was leaning on his hand, paying no attention whatsoever to the actual lesson. Instead, his mismatched eyes were trained solely on you. He observed the way you scribbled on the piece of paper, and the way you shook your head when something wasn't quite perfect, then used the rubber on your pencil to erase all evidence of the mistake. He allowed a small, and I mean small, smile to play at his lips. He wondered what you were drawing. He really wanted to see it. He knew you were very talented, but he had never really seen any of your work, so he was curious.

He was also madly in love. It was laughable - he could have laughed, if it was in his nature. The only people he had ever loved, throughout the entirety his fifteen years, were his three siblings, and his mother. Now, as soon as you stepped into his life, his heart decided to go into overdrive - it hammered against his chest whenever you smiled, or if he saw you in his peripheral vision, and his breath would stop. He thought you were incredible. He wasn't sure why you had never approached him, but he guessed you might have just been shy. However, when he saw you with your friends, you were anything but shy. It was clear that you loved being around them.

He wished you could smile like that around him, too.

Even to him, it was obvious that he was in love. What was more: you were his first love. He recalled hearing that first loves were really important, and he could see why. Your smile was blinding, your eyes dazzling. He loved everything about you - your figure, your face, your personality, your dedication to heroics, your adoration for your friends. He could go on forever.

He wanted to speak to you. At least once. Maybe then he could ask to take you out for dinner, or to go to a movie, or just relax at his house, or something that would give you some time together. He needed to show how much he truly loved you.

The bell sounded, and class was dismissed.

You brought out your lunch, opting to sit in the classroom eating. You weren't alone - Aoyama always ate in the quiet of the classroom. You got along well with him, so you didn't mind. He liked you, because you agreed to sketch him sometimes. You enjoyed listening to his limited French.

This time, Todoroki stayed as well. You didn't notice initially, but then Aoyama started making some suggestive eyebrow movements, which prompted you to look around the room. When you did, you saw Todoroki, sitting at his desk, staring directly at you. Sheepishly, you smiled, unsure of what exactly you were supposed to do. Kiss him? That sounded good to you.

You watched him sigh, then get up and begin walking towards you.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

You nodded, and followed him out of the classroom, apologising to Aoyama.

"Did you need something?" You questioned, after a while of silence.

"Yeah." He paused, before continuing, "I like you."

" you too?"

He shook his head. "Sorry. I'm not good at this. I...I love you. You're my first love. Will you go out with me?"

"...That's a lot to process."

"Please?" He was almost begging at this point, and you knew you could never turn him down.

You averted your gaze, mumbling, "I love you too."

"Am I your first?" He asked.

You blushed. "F-First?"

"First love." He clarified.

"Oh...yeah. Yeah, you are."

[Word Count: 1139]

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