Enji Todoroki ღ Endeavor - Lemon

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Requested by: WinterMuffy

Minor spoilers for the manga


Sometimes, you felt a pang of sorrow for Rei. She had suffered unbearably for years, at the hands of your beloved. She had never known the heart behind the hatred, the hero consumed by the monster. She was a lovely woman, one who you had many friendly interactions with, whilst Enji was filing for a divorce. Her steady gaze had reassured you, but her stories were terrifying. She wanted you to recognise just what you were becoming involved in - this man possessed four children, all of whom he had abused at some point, with varying degrees of animosity. You learned that his eldest child couldn't stand the torture, physical and psychological, which resulted in him running away. His middle children, Natsuo and Fuyumi, were the least tormented, but the former held heaps of disgust and resentment towards his father. The youngest, Shouto, was allegedly his 'masterpiece', being trained from a considerably impractical age, simply due to the potential of his quirk. This inside information stayed with you for a long time, and although you weren't about to call him a saint, you did acknowledge his desire to change, growing into both a better person, and a better parent. He would still be there for his four children, even if they didn't want him - you vowed to ensure that.

It didn't exactly alter your opinion, however, because you remained engaged to the Flame Hero, and eventually, the two of you married. It was a relatively small ceremony, since his status as the number one pro hero could be compromised, if a larger service took place. Not only that, but if word surfaced that he was marrying for a second time, the public would surely question it, and the negative media attention was something neither of you particularly favoured the idea of. You didn't wish to be at the brunt of rumours, scandals, and magazine articles detailing your 'affair'.

You neglected to dwell on his past, choosing instead to pursue his future, alongside him. The man you married was a little rough at times, and he could certainly be difficult to talk to, but once you pried and prodded, batting your eyelashes at him, your lip quivering, he was forced to give in. He would tell you everything, from verifying his family's accounts, to divulging his own emotions. It was a massive step in the right direction, and you couldn't have been prouder. He was definitely attempting to change for the better, and you knew he could. His new partner was incredible, as well. He was a younger man, with gorgeous crimson wings, who didn't give two shits about insulting or teasing the seasoned pro. They had become permanent partners some time ago, and it was an interesting dynamic. It was obvious that your husband often got overwhelmed, but he rolled with it as best he could. You sometimes joked about him leaving you for a fresher hero, and he would counter by angrily shouting something to the effect of "I am not a homosexual!". It made you laugh and cry simultaneously. For someone who wasn't trying to be funny, he sure was entertaining to watch.

In the beginning, Rei's children shied away from you. It was to be expected - they still loved their mother deeply, and now someone new was walking into their lives. It was confusing, and slightly disorientating. Enji had insisted that you live in the Todoroki home, and one day, you came back after an intense grocery shopping spree, to find Shouto and a green-haired boy from his school, making out on the couch. You covered your mouth, trying not to laugh or squeal, and silently manoeuvred to the kitchen, before they could notice you. Enji walked in, saw you dying by the sink, and walked back out. He questioned you about it later, but you didn't have the heart to tell him the truth, so you said there was an elderly couple in the park, having a physical fight over who bought bread to feed the ducks. That actually happened, and you found it hilarious.

A few days passed, and the crime rate had dropped once more, to a more manageable level, so Enji opted to take a day off. This was something that you weren't sure about initially, but some of his assistants made it quite clear that everything was fine without him. The world was not going to fall into chaos, triggering the apocalypse, simply because he took one day off. However, you weren't entirely convinced until he appeared in the doorway, holding a phone and wearing a very formal suit.

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