Shouto Todoroki - Lemon

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Merry Christmas!!


Happy Yule! 


A sticky white residue cascaded down his legs, pooling on the floor below him. It traced his toned thighs and ran the length of his calves, dripping on to the ground pathetically. His face had long erupted in a dashing crimson, coating his cheeks while simultaneously complimenting his left side.

He attempted various sounds, all of which were drowned out by the ball gag resting in his mouth. His arms and legs were bound to a sturdy wooden chair with copious amounts of rope and other such restraints. A horrid blindfold snaked around his eyes, obscuring his vision.

He had been sat upright on the chair, arms practically attached to its backrest, as his legs were positioned coinciding to the chair's. As his head pounded with conflicting memories of prior events, he failed to hear the gentle footfalls gradually getting closer to him.

By the time he registered your presence, you had draped your arms sensually around his neck, planting them on his chest. He shivered mildly at the contact, emitting a feeble whimper of complaint upon feeling your lips on his skin. Pushing yourself against the chair, you dragged your lower body across his restrained arms, relishing in the sudden, pleasing jolt you elicited.

From your position, you allowed your hands to wander as much as they could, which was somewhat annoyingly limited. For this reason, you detached your lips with one last chaste kiss to his sensitive neck, and removed your fully clothed heat from within his strained reach.

Walking around the chair leisurely, you elected to admire this picturesque scene – the erotically pained expression plastering his partly veiled features, the splendour of his ragged breathing, supressed marginally by the gag, and the general beauty of his pale skin and toned body, on full display for you.

Perhaps he hadn't noticed yet, what with trying to figure out his predicament, but you had stripped him of all offending articles of clothing the moment he set foot – unwillingly – into your home.

There were no words for how magnificent this moment was. Considering your role in everyday society, staying relatively in the shadows due to the number of patrolling heroes, it was a wonder how you ever managed to come across him – let alone kidnap him.

The one and only Shouto Todoroki – the boy who had you infatuated since your first chance encounter. He likely didn't remember you, but that was one more reason to continue your session. After this night, there was no conceivable way he was ever going to forget you.

You took longer than was necessary, but eventually, following the decision to remove your tedious leggings/jeans, you planted yourself on his lap, ensuring he felt the cold contact of your straddle. Adoringly, you grazed one hand up his bare leg, watching the exciting reactions produced from such simple ministrations.

Reaching his manhood, you glanced down to see that he had become rather stiff at your touch. He was still whimpering lightly, as if attempting to hold in his voice, but feeling you far too much. An enamoured smile broke out on your face, and you hurriedly got to slipping off your panties, letting them fall to the floor without much care.

Hearing a strained gasp, you slithered your arms around his neck again, lifting yourself so that the tip of his erection graced your entrance. All too soon, you slammed down, an agonised scream tearing through your lungs. You hid your face in the crook of his neck, breathing laboured and sweating slightly.

Around a minute passed, and the pain melted away, leaving a pleasure like no other you had ever felt before. Testing the water, you brought yourself up, then slid back down, feeling his manhood slap against your walls.

You began repeating your actions, a sensation of pure ecstasy welling up inside you. Shouto was sweating, trying to keep up with your rhythm – his voice wanted to be heard, but the painful gag was hindering it. Your eyes clouded over in complete lust, and you looked up at his dishevelled face, wanting nothing more than to rip that gag off his lips and plant your own atop them.

Without slowing down or halting, you reached around to where the gag was attached, fiddling with the strap in an effort to relieve him of it. As soon as it fell from his mouth, your hand found his blindfold, which you also discarded. His heavenly mismatched orbs stared back at you.

Panting heavily, he tried leaning in to capture your soft lips in a passionate kiss, eyes glazed over like a feral animal. Before he could, you placed a hand on his mouth, simultaneously leaning away. Angered by your denial, he bucked his hips harshly, listening as a pleasured scream echoed around the room, and your hands touched his chest in a futile attempt to steady yourself.

Satisfied, he craned his neck, rightfully claiming your lips as his own.

[Word Count: 823]

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