Shouto Todoroki

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Based on a roleplay I did with 1rebekka1


"(Y/n) (L/n). A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Standing at the front of the classroom, a monotonous expression painted on your beauteous features, you gave a small bow, indicating the end of your introduction. The class was a mixture of welcoming cheers and awkward sweat-drops, as the teaching assistant directed you to the furthest end of the room.

You glimpsed a bi-coloured boy with a raised hand, and kept him in your eye-line as you stalked silently to the desk beside him.

Shortly after the initial chaos had subsided, the class returned to normal and teaching resumed. However, not long into the lesson, a timid, green haired boy squealed, motioning outside the window.

"Miss, All Might's posing again!" Someone shouted, but you didn't bother checking who.

The assistant sighed heavily, looking to Aizawa expectantly, as if he was supposed to intervene. He was encased in his sleeping bag, his eyes sagging as he tried to force himself to stay awake long enough to give her an instruction.

"I'll let you handle that." He mumbled, promptly falling asleep.

So much for that, then. A few members of the class gathered by the window, hoping to catch a glance of the Number One Pro Hero. The boy situated beside you muttered something under his breath that could have been "Idiots."

"Um, All Might's gone."

Quite suddenly, the classroom door slid open and the aforementioned hero strode in, grinning cheerfully.

"I am here! Coming through the door like a normal person!" He bellowed, causing a sleeping Aizawa to groan and turn his head away from the loud man.

He and the teaching assistant bickered for a while, or rather, he was sweating from intimidation, but not ready to give up his reason for interrupting her lesson. After an interval of around ten minutes, she eventually agreed to let him train them, however reluctantly.

So, you made your way to the training grounds nonchalantly, where everyone decided to select their own groups. Having known them for less than thirty minutes in all, you were alone. There was really no point asking to join someone, as they already had their groups.

"H-Hey! (L/n), r-right? Why don't you join o-our group?" The same nervous boy from earlier jogged up to you, a red hue breaking out on his face.

Hearing the footfalls, you glanced behind, staring boredly at him.


He smiled. "G-Great! Well, it's m-me, Iida and Uraraka!" He explained, leading you to the others.

A few minutes later, All Might called out, asking if everyone had chosen teams. Awkwardly, a hand shot up, and he looked at Todoroki.

"I don't have a partner." He stated, embarrassment creeping on to his face.

All Might searched the students, seeing that most people were in groups of four or five.

"Hm...well, since there's an uneven number, you'll have to join a group of four."

Midoriya waved his hand at the bi-coloured boy, getting his attention quickly.

"J-Join us, we're a four!"

Todoroki looked at him and nodded, mumbling a monotonous "Coming.", and stalking over to his group. As he approached, his eyes fell on you, and his gaze became fixed instantly. All Might began explaining the exercise, and the rest of your group were coming up with a game plan. However, Todoroki's eyes only went from your face to your rear, startling himself with the thoughts that abruptly flooded into his mind.

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