Shouto Todoroki {Male Reader} {1}

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Requested by: ArtisticDummy


Just a few minutes ago, four individuals had been happily chatting amongst themselves, unaware of the threat looming in the shadows. They walked down the street with a content atmosphere, half of the group stopping every few seconds to look in shop windows. One of them nearly bought out an entire store that had recently popped up due to the ever-increasing popularity of the unmatched top hero, All Might.

A bi-coloured boy halted for less than a second, before the unexpected assault was launched.

A villain – perhaps a breakaway member of the Alliance, had used their quirk to instantly paralyse the chestnut-haired girl, and the boy with aquamarine eyes. Todoroki and Midoriya activated their powers, ready to fight off this great evil. Technically, they weren't allowed, but the safety of the civilian population was at risk. All around them, frightened gasps resounded, which only further provoked the boys into action.

However, before long, they realised with startling clarity that there were actually just shy of five villainous individuals, all of whom looked professional and ready to kill. Trying to convince their bodies to remain unperturbed, the two currently free students sent a bombardment of ice and powerful punches into the fray. The task was gruelling, and required the utmost concentration, otherwise there could be a full-scale attack on the idle innocents. The boys struggled immensely, warding off maybe two villains between them, and attempting to intercept any escapees.

You watched this battle commence from high above a rooftop, shrouded in a long black cape. The hood meticulously veiled your features. Having kept yourself incredibly silent for such a time, nobody had noticed the way you manipulated certain situations in the background. You were pulling the strings, turning the tide of the fight in your favour. It was impossible for anyone but you to see the delicate cords holding the assailants back from their prey – it was simply as though they were having a bad day.

At some point, perhaps when you observed the boys' injuries, you elected to properly intervene. Tugging your hood, to further mask your face, you jumped. It wasn't an unpleasant experience, since you failed to hit the ground; you touched those invisible wires, and began running along them as swiftly as you could. When you were within range, you leaped forwards, wrapping the strings around your fingers, spreading them out, and clenching your fist. Instantly, all four villains became trapped – huddled together and writhing painfully, the cords slowly sinking into their flesh.

For a long time, there was a wordless atmosphere. The aspiring heroes couldn't move their bodies, but the paralysis had already worn off. The villains were frozen in place, not able to comprehend the magnitude of your action. Slipping a hand into your pocket, you pressed the emergency call button on your phone.

They were the police's problem now.

When the broccoli-haired boy regained his senses, he called out, wondering if there was finally a pro hero he hadn't accounted for. He blinked in absolute shock and confusion, but you were nowhere to be found.


The children were continually scolded over the course of the next few days, for their association with the aforementioned event. However, a certain bi-coloured male couldn't seem to shake the feeling that they hadn't been in control of their own bodies that day. Your mysterious visage intrigued him, and you remained in the centre of his mind all the time. You hadn't spoken, so he tried imagining what your voice would sound like, but he assumed you to be another male, possibly the same sort of build as him, and no older, although he was just going off height and potential body type.

He was so deep in thought, that he nearly missed this very concise, very loud message from All Might: "YOU WILL BE STARTING A NEW CLASS TODAY, WITH A NEW TEACHER! HOW EXCITING!"

An apprehensive buzz filled the room, with everyone speculating about who their teacher would be – obviously they all looked to Midoriya for information on the professionals. His years of research came up nought, however, because the moment you stepped foot through the door, jaws dropped and you swore you heard the faintest cat-call. The faces being displayed were genuinely bewildered, especially the poor green-haired boy, since he hadn't a clue who you were. He was almost certain that he had never seen you on television before, like so many pros, and what was up with you being so young?

"Ok, very funny." Someone yelled. "Where's the real teacher?"

You chuckled. "I am the real teacher, Kaminari Denki, and my class will be primarily based upon how to spot and contain nearby dangers and/or threats, so you might wish to pay attention."

That – that was the heavenly sound Todoroki had been waiting to hear. He was utterly perplexed, but his expression showed no visible astonishment. Internally, an unknown feeling was budding, and to be honest, he kind of liked it. Even the boy you had called out (he was shocked yet flattered that you knew his name, by the way), who thought himself womanizer of the century, was becoming a little flustered. The way you presented yourself, your walk, your voice – everything was so amazing, that some of the students started questioning their sexuality.

"So, eh..." Kaminari scratched his neck awkwardly. "How old are you?"

Smiling, you responded, "Sixteen."

[Word Count: 896]

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