Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: Ground_ZERO_


"(Y/n)?" He questioned, wrapping an arm around your shivering form.

You struggled to choke out any words, instead clinging on to Shouto's warmth like a life-line. You pressed up against his left side, feeling him sigh and tense slightly. You knew he still wasn't exactly comfortable with this portion of him, but he was trying to overcome his barriers, and you were so very proud - he knew that, and you were always such a cheerful person, so what was with your sudden, dramatic change in behaviour? If he was being honest, he had noticed something strange stretching across a period of around two weeks, although every time he asked about it, you would brush it off and act as though everything was completely fine.

You felt almost...embarrassed to disclose any information. Shouto was exasperated, but also really worried, because he didn't understand what he was supposed to do; you were an important part of his life, yet there was nothing he could do to lift your spirits. He recognised that he wasn't the most experienced when it came to showing positive emotions, but around you, he smiled and laughed, and overall, he just felt so much more content.

In the relatively short time you had been together, your relationship had blossomed beautifully, like a lily dancing gracefully above the water's surface. It seemed difficult at first - you were both in the heroics department, and it was very possible that your future career would tear the two of you apart, but you weren't about to let that stop you. However, it appeared that there was one thing - something - giving you a nagging doubt that was eating you alive. He hated it; how dare anyone make you feel so depressed? It was absolutely unforgivable. He needed to know who this mystery individual was. Perhaps it was someone close to you, or maybe just someone who scared you. He had never before seen you sat on the cold floor of his dormitory room, cradling your legs, rocking back and forth, while muttering in a low tone, your breath icy.

You had been there, awaiting his return, for hours. He felt like his stomach was going to drop straight out of his body. Throughout the day, you had been absent from class and training - things you never, ever missed, and he had been questioned by all his classmates. He had no answers, despite how much he wanted them. He decided to risk approaching your explosive brother, but soon discovered that the boy was refusing to even acknowledge you.

He tried to think nothing of it, at the time.

"(Y/n)." He repeated, this time devoid of his previous, enquiring tone.

Tears were still pricking in the corners of your eyes, as they had been for eons, but you wouldn't let them fall. It was agony attempting to hold them in for so long, but you really didn't want Shouto to be any more worried; he was already visibly shaken from finding you in such a state.

"(Y/n), please tell me what's wrong." He called your name for a third time, and you relented.

Burying your wet face in the comfort of his toned chest, you cried and cried, never once stopping for a steady breath. He shifted slightly, ensuring that your body was planted firmly in his lap, your arms snaked around his waist, and you nuzzled your head into his v-neck shirt. A calloused hand hovered above you, hesitantly, but after releasing a quivering sigh, he began tenderly raking his fingers through your (h/c) locks. His lips pressed chastely to your forehead - an endearing effort to soothe you.

His gentle ministrations worked miracles, and soon, your breathing became more regular and frequent. Shouto shivered, feeling your cold breath on the left side of his neck.

"You're really sweet, you know?"

He smiled at this. "Only for you."

Shaking your head, you replied, "You also help Midoriya a lot. He really sings your praises."

His soft, mismatched eyes bore into your (e/c) orbs. "I love you."

"I love you too." Bringing your face up, you caressed his nose with your own, lovingly.

"Now will you tell me what's wrong?" He asked.

You sighed. "It's a bit...I don't know. It probably doesn't seem that big of an issue to you, but it's really upsetting for me..."

Shouto remained silent, patiently waiting for you to continue.

"Katsuki's been ignoring me, a lot lately, and I don't know if I've done something to him? I think it might have been because I defended Midoriya, but I've done that before, and it hasn't bothered him? I'm not really sure..."

He nodded. "He's probably just going through something."

"Yeah..." You agreed. "But what?"

Shouto seemed to contemplate this. "Conflicted feelings?"

"Feelings? My brother? Anything other than pure rage?" You quirked an eyebrow.

Your lover shrugged. "Maybe he likes Midoriya."

[Word Count: 814]

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