Keigo Takami ღ Hawks {1}

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You were ever-curious about the man your associate had been meeting. You were informed that the guy had important information, and the boss put you under strict orders not to go tracking him down - the punishment might be death, if Shigaraki could be bothered. So, naturally, you planned to turn up to one of their private gatherings unannounced.

You didn't know what his appearance or personality were like, and you had never heard his voice. This man only met with Dabi, in various abandoned buildings. You didn't know he was a famous pro hero; you just assumed he was someone with good intel. He didn't have to be a hero - he could have been a government official or something like that. You also figured that he would be significantly older than you, although when you questioned Dabi, he assured you that the man was around your age. That only intrigued you more. Now you definitely had to see this mysterious stranger. He might prove to be an excellent source of entertainment. If that happened, there was no way you were ever going to let him go.

"Dabi! Dabi! Can you get a picture of him this time?" You asked, holding your hands behind your back.

You didn't really need a picture, but you supposed it was a good coverup.

He chuckled. "He's not that attractive."

"Really?" You pouted. "I still wanna see him."

Ruffling your hair, he responded, "Alright, I'll try and be discreet."

"Thank you!"

You plastered a soft smile on to your features. It was completely and utterly dripping with deception, but he didn't have to know that. You waved as he waltzed out of the bar. Unbeknownst to him, you had planted a tracking device on his clothing during your conversation. You sniggered, retrieving the complementary object from within your pocket. You watched the little dot that was Dabi move down a series of back alleys, heading for a certain warehouse. Grabbing your phone from on the bar counter, you took off in the direction of said building.

You ran and ran, following the same exact route, but making sure to always stay out of his sight. You were too far away to actually see him, which you thought was better, because if you couldn't see him, there was a good chance he couldn't see you either. You really didn't wish to die before meeting this intriguing fellow.

Glancing down, you realised the shape on the screen had stopped moving. You slowed your pace. Your boots hit the ground, crunching the crisp, autumn leaves underfoot. You didn't pay any heed to the volume. Soon, you heard talking. There were two male voices. One was quite obviously Dabi, but the other was much different. It sounded hostile, but in a way that caused you to think its owner wasn't used to intimidation, or trying to appear villainous.

Oh god this is good.

You placed a hand on the dirty wall, manoeuvring yourself so that you were able to peer into the warehouse without being detected. From your distance, you couldn't exactly make out any small, distinguishable features. However, what you could see made your heart flutter. The mystery man had beautiful, golden locks, a coat that seemed a little too long, headphones around his neck, a visor covering his eyes (you couldn't tell their colour), and black boots. He was also sprouting crimson wings from his back, although they were significantly smaller than they probably should have been.

You couldn't see the determined glint in his eyes, but his stance gave away both his objective and his view. It was clear that he didn't like being near Dabi, which you supposed was understandable, especially for a newcomer, but you didn't really think he had anything to fear. You were definitely going to shield this man from any unwelcome fire attacks. He looked as though he might be vulnerable to them, and you certainly weren't willing to let your new plaything get injured by Staplefucker.

Holy shit, this guy is Hawks. Oh my god! Oh my god! Does he really wanna work with us?

While you were silently fangirling, the two males were in the midst of a heated discussion. It appeared as if Dabi was doubting Hawks' loyalty to the league, but the bird man was whisper-yelling that everything he did was for the league. You could hear his voice now, and it was like music to your ears. I mean, with his wings, he generally already resembled an angel, but that had just been magnified. His usual media presence was gone, and you were left staring at a dishevelled, confused and slightly conflicted Hawks. He was so gorgeous, it honestly took all your inner strength not to interrupt their conversation and just take him hostage then and there. No - you would play nice with him, at least until he rejected your advances, and then you were free to do anything you pleased. That was the way things happened in your line of work.

And you loved it.

"I'm still not letting you meet the boss yet." Dabi stated, turning around and heading into the light.

You chewed your lip. How would you go about this, then? Your face hadn't been reported - you preferred to lay relatively low, while committing big crimes. The payoff was extraordinary. Now, you had a few options:

1 - Pretend to be injured. This would likely have to be somewhere outside the warehouse, otherwise it might be a little suspicious. However, since he seemed to have quite a genuine heroic streak, he should offer to help you.

2 - Jump him there and then. You would have to be swift though - he was about to leave.

3 - Show yourself as a villain once he exits the warehouse, and challenge him. You weren't sure how you would fare against the Number Two Hero, but he wasn't exactly in the best condition.

4 - Pass yourself off as a really big fan, get him to sign something, butter him up, then seize your opportunity.

5 - Tell him you're being followed, and hope he offers you protection and shelter.

No matter what you picked, this was sure to be an interesting predicament. 

[Word Count: 1034]

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