Touya Todoroki ღ Dabi

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Requested by: Risk_Dash


In the beginning, you didn't know what to think. He was definitely hot - he was a fire type, after all. Flame wielders just seemed to have a certain allure, that you couldn't quite place a finger on. His snarky remarks and aloof personality were astounding to you, and while you admired his convictions, you noticed that they weren't exactly the same as Shigaraki's. Something told you that his admittance into the League was purely for Shigaraki's benefit, but you refused to say anything.

The two of you didn't really start off on the best terms, and your relationship was very rocky, to say the least. However, there was always a comfortable heat that settled in your chest, whenever his eyes glazed over you. For some reason, the spark of recognition present in his beautiful irises caught you off guard, every time; it was as though he never expected to see you, but was pleasantly surprised that he did. A blush would worm its way on to your features, tilting precariously on your cheeks, before pouring into every crevice, and rendering your entire face a bright crimson. He didn't appear bothered about you, but somehow, that made things more exciting, and caused shudders, much more violent than you had ever felt, to run the length of your spine. You acknowledged your feelings, despite being rather annoyed with yourself.

His emotions had generated much confusion and confliction within himself, because although he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was in love with you, his heritage and background was something he never wished for you to be exposed to. If possible, he hoped to keep you safe from a distance, without the need for actual intervention. He was a villain, sure, but his father was so much worse, and since he possessed that monster's blood, it was inevitable that he would hurt you at some point, if he got too close. He often found himself gazing in your direction, then instantly turning away, all the while trying to make it seem like he wasn't pining for you. Toga was irritating - she didn't see through his charade (that much was obvious), yet she persisted with her teasing, telling him how he looked at you too much, and he should just tell you how he was feeling, if he loved you so dearly. He snorted. She knew nothing of love. He never allowed a blush to invade his cheeks, although sometimes, the back of his neck felt incredibly warm. It was probably just his quirk.

After a while of distancing himself from everyone who didn't bother to crush him in a tight hug, and seeming very out-of-sorts, to the point that even Shigaraki questioned his mental state, you decided to approach him. He was sitting at the bar, Toga next to him, chatting happily to herself. Upon closer inspection, you noticed that Dabi looked extremely sleep-deprived. There were dark bags under his stunning eyes, and even they were beginning to lose their shine. His ebony hair was scruffier than usual.

You took in a big gulp of air, and started walking forwards. Toga, seeing you, grinned and excused herself. You heard Dabi release a heavy breath. Asking Kurogiri for a drink of something strong, you sat down beside the light-eyed man. He didn't turn your way, or even acknowledge your existence.

"Dabi," You began, glimpsing his dishevelled figure. "What's going on?"

He flinched, which was undeniably uncommon. "Nothing. I don't want to talk to you."

"It's a bit too late for that." You reminded, smiling sadly.

He sighed again. "I don't need your help."

"You need someone's help, Dabi. This isn't normal for you."

That seemed to anger him. "How would you know? You don't know anything about me, and you don't need to."

You tried to stay calm, and reason with him. "If I'm going to help-"

"You aren't." He stated, pausing for a moment, before continuing, "I don't need it."

"Dabi." you moved to place a hand on his shoulder, but he grabbed it, gazing into your eyes, with a mixture of surprise

He held it tightly. "You can't help me. I'll just end up hurting you, like my old man. I couldn't keep the first person who meant something to me safe, and I'm not letting it happen again. Just go away."

You were stunned. "You...I mean something to you?"

"I guess. I told you to leave." He loosened his grip, but you tugged him back.

"You mean something to me, too, and I can take care of myself!"

He swallowed down the lump in his throat, trying to regain control of the situation. 

"That's not really the point."

[Word Count: 781]

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