Momo Yaoyorozu

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Haha, when I was making this, I titled it: 'Momo no homo'


All day, she had been trembling with a nervous excitement. Jirou ambled up to her, a puzzled expression speaking for the entire class.

"Hey Yaomomo, are you alright?" She asked, watching the girl cautiously.

A massive smile enveloped her features, as her hands flew to her face. Her eyes were sparkling, like the sun reflecting off the sea, and it seemed as though she was attempting to hold in an assortment of 'uncouth' noises. Her head bobbed adorably.

"I'm even better!" She responded, giggling. "I managed to get VIP tickets for my favourite artist! She has a concert tonight!"

Jirou smiled. "Ah, I get it. What's she called?"

"(Y/n) (L/n)!" As your name rolled off her tongue, a light crimson coated her cheeks.

Her classmate blinked, realising the situation. Momo had a crush on a famous artist – one who happened to be absolutely stunning, and currently, had no public relationship. That was a starting point, she presumed, although she was unsure how exactly Momo panned to gain your attention, because she seemed to become incredibly shy when confronted with anything of the sort.

Despite this, she, along with a few others (Kaminari, Midoriya, Tokoyami and Uraraka included), asked to tag along. Without hesitation, Momo agreed, happy to have friends to accompany her.

She spent hours trying to look her very best, finding the correct clothing and applying the tiniest amount of make-up; it was just enough so that it wasn't blindingly obvious, but it was a nice touch. When she was finally satisfied, she regrouped with the others, and they headed off.


The venue was overflowing with erratic fans, chanting the best hits from the artist. Their entourage moved to secure a better view. They waited eagerly for you to appear.

After about half an hour, you made your entrance.

There was a brief interval in which you introduced yourself to any new supporters, addressing the crowd with a politeness often overlooked nowadays by many artists. Momo made a mental note to be as courteous as possible when it came time for your inevitable meeting.

She was astonishingly anxious.

"Dirty Angel

Dirty Angel

Bum ba-da ee-ahh-um bum, ba bum bum (dirty angel)

Bum ba-da ee-ahh-um bum, ba bum bum (dirty angel)

Bum ba-da ee-ahh-um bum, ba bum bum (dirty angel)

Bum ba-da ee-ahh-um bum, ba bum bum (dirty angel)"

Throughout the piece, Momo concentrated solely on the emotions littering your face – the notion that you were having just as much, if not more fun than all the fans, was comforting.

"Come, come, inside tonight

Let me feed your appetite

Boy, you wanna come all alone

Bring, bringing me to life

Gettin' all your blood tonight

Gonna make you feel all exposed

And no, you can't leave now

When it's almost over

So close to touchin' hell

Boku No Hero Academia One Shots [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now