Shouto Todoroki

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You and Shouto had been dating for around eight months, and he finally decided to let you meet his family. He was apprehensive, but you assured him that everything was going to be alright. He took your word, and he started telling you things about his family – to make sure you were prepared.

So there you were, sitting at the table next to Shouto, surrounded by Endeavor, Fuyumi, and his two brothers. (I don't think they still live there...) You got on quite well with his sister, as you wanted to be a teacher as well as a pro hero, so she was giving you some tips on how to handle certain types of students.

Shouto was staring at you lovingly, trying to figure out how he got so lucky. Unfortunately, Endeavor wasn't so happy about having you around. He kept questioning you.

"What family are you from?"


"What's your quirk?"

"Shadow Manipulation."

" if a child was born with all three quirks, they could manipulate the ice's shadow." He mumbled.

It was making you nervous. Did he not think you were good enough for Shouto? Your boyfriend saw your anxiety, and laced your fingers with his. He didn't like that you weren't eating, and he could tell it was because of his father.

Endeavor kept muttering about the pros and cons of a child with your quirks. It made you really uncomfortable. You felt a little sick.

As soon as he said "Someone else would be better.", the tears started to fall. You covered your face with both of your hands, and tried to stop crying. That was when Shouto snapped.

He grabbed your arm, pulling you up from your seat, and into his chest.

"She'll be a Todoroki whether you like it or not!" He yelled, dragging you away.

His family stared in disbelief, while your head was filled with doubt. Were you really worthy of him? He was so amazing, but you were...well, you. Would he leave you eventually? You knew he didn't care about your quirk – he loved you for you, but that didn't stop the troublesome thoughts.

He took you into his room, and closed the door. He leaned against it, pulling you into an embrace. You were crying freely now, and he stroked your hair, in an effort to comfort you.

"Shh. Don't listen to him." He whispered.

You gripped his shirt.

"B-But – But what if he's right? W-What if I'm not good eno-" You started, only to be cut off by Shouto's lips.

He kissed you roughly, giving you all his passion. You relaxed, sighing, and kissed back with just as much force. Your lips moved with his. They fit together perfectly. He brought one hand up and caressed your face, as he ran his tongue along your bottom lip, asking for entrance.

You opened up without hesitation, allowing him to claim your mouth. You grunted in frustration when he parted. He placed his forehead against yours.

"I love you." He said, looking into your eyes.

You felt yourself tearing up again, only to have Shouto, your Shouto, wipe them away, and kiss just under your eyes.

"I love you too." You whispered, burying your face in his chest.

[Word Count: 540]

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