Shouto Todoroki

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The two of you were sitting on the floor of your dorm room. You were supposed to be studying together, but you decided that could wait, and ended up watching a movie instead. It was a horror, one you adored. Shouto would glance at you from time-to-time, checking that you were okay, and was ready to comfort you if you weren't.

For the majority of the time, you lay in his arms, laughing at every 'scary' scene, or whenever someone died because of their stupid mistakes.

Shouto placed his head atop yours, closing his eyes and feeling the vibrations of your voice. When the movie came to an end, you turned around and smiled at him sweetly.

"Another?" You asked, pointing to the stack of horror films in your room.

He shook his head. That was when you noticed he looked kind of...sad? You got closer to him, trying to inspect, but he intertwined your hands, staring down at the floor.

"Shou? What's wro-"

"Why do you like me?" He inquired.

This wasn't out-of-the-blue for him. In fact, he had asked many times before. You thought it was silly that he regularly questioned his own self-worth, when he was the one who helped you through your toughest times.

"People find symmetry more attractive." He stated.

All sorts of emotions filled you. Hurt, rage, love, sadness. You were ready to beat the crap out of whoever told your boyfriend he was ugly because the two sides of his face didn't match. However, restraining yourself, you tenderly planted a kiss just below his left eye.

"Let's just say I didn't have a type until I met you." Your words came out with the upmost sincerity.

"You like ugly scars?" His voice was low, like he didn't want you to hear him.

"No. I like beautiful scars." You reached a hand out, and caressed the burnt skin.

He nuzzled into your touch, welcoming the warm feeling in his chest. He knew there was no reason to doubt you, but he was making sure (for the thousandth time), for his own heart.

"You're gorgeous, Shouto. I won't let you say otherwise." You muttered, face getting closer to his.

"Not half as much as you." He retorted, closing the gap.

You shared a gentle kiss, one filled with as much love as you could give without overwhelming him. You pulled back, making him crave the taste of your lips again.

"Don't ever look down on yourself." You whispered.

With a hand on his chest, you pushed him down. He fell with a thud, and you sat on his waist, straddling him. You brought your face down, until he could feel your breath. Your hands cupped his cheeks, stroking his face, while watching the loving gaze in his eyes.

"I'm supposed to do that to you when you're under me."

[Word Count: 474]

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